Hello all,
At bleeding last - some of the excess baggage has fallen off me.
I know weight loss and weight gain can be a double edge sword for us, but when you have been used to being a certain weight for a while, it just can feel like another slap in the face to deal with.
Been between 8 st 7 and 8 st 10 for about 18 years after going up to 11 st in the late nineties when I was in my late 30s. (Irony - had been physically ill and could not keep anything down. When I recovered, I just enjoyed my food even more - whoops - oh those were the days when I would eat two meals in an evening - yum! Mind you at that time, it took me a few years to jump to 11 stone!)
Roll on to the current time, maintained weight at about 8st 10 or so during chemo. Ate as healthy and as well as poss for most of the time. At the end of Taxotere, suddenly jumped about half stone. I think Tax can blow you up a bit! That seemed to reduce and weight seem to maintain even though on Herceptin. Then started Anastrazole in the Autumn and weight just kept going upwards. How ironic as on the Anastrazole side effects, it states possible weight loss.
I tried my best but nothing shifted - just seem to increase until beginning of this June I hit 10 st 5. For my height that is going into the overweight territory. It is so frustrating when you are not eating fast food, cakes, sweets, chocs or drinking lots of alcohol. I was not willing to throw my wardrobe away as I have some very decent clothes.
So the only thing I could think of doing now was to reduce the starchy carbs like pasta, bread etc (and I use to eat the “brown” varieties so to speak). OMG - it seems to have done the trick and that is a stone gone with reduced weight,hip and thigh measurements. So will continue to do this for now and hopefully get back under 9.
Thankfully I love salads, fruit, veg, nuts, seeds and the like as much as crisps,the occasional red wine and sherry as well as sugar in my tea! Well I have to have my “no negotiation items” and I am not into self denial. I also cannot stand anything with sweeteners in.
Take care all x
Im so on a diet right now!!! But im my own worst enemy. I’ve comfort eat over the last few months but now Im determind to shift the weight thats gathered around me over the past two years, as none of my clothes for work fit me!
I have always struggled with my weight and just looking at a cream cake makes me put on a few pounds ?
I need to lose 2 stone, and get fit again although Im not actually that unfit its just the excess baggage getting in the way!
Im also doing a L2 Nutrition and Healthly Eating Qualification online, just to keep it in my head what I should be aiming for.
It kept me occupied going through radiotherapy
Onwards and upwards xx
Hello all,
How the flipping weight creeps up so quickly these days. Anyone else having a bit of struggle after main treatments. Here I am in July again, nearly one year from the original post below - it’s groundhog time.
I would not mind if I could account for it in terms of sumptuous candlelit dinners, cakes, alcohol and enjoyable memories linked with increase - but no - it crept back on again due to an excess of healthy eating as far as I can ascertain. You can eat too many organic nuts and wholemeal foods. Of course a disc issue and poor medical response to this (well apart from Onco who checked out with X ray and Nuclear Bone Scan relatively nifty to rule out bone spread), also contributed. I tried to keep mobile with walking even when in agony but that is about as much as I could endure at times especially when the pain was literally 24/7
So the bleeding weight was back up to 10st 5lbs mid March. Even though BMI can be viewed as an arbitrary figure, 10st 5 lbs puts met in the “overweight” category. Of even more importance, this increasing weight started to make me feel yuck and it meant I could not fit into things that I have. I certainly was not going to waste money buying larger sizes when I have got lots of decent stuff hanging around so to speak.
So Mid March I started the food diary and calorie counting (using Fit Day online) and reduced starchy carbs and here I am again, this July, at about my usual 8 stone 10 and feeling a lot better for it. It has obviously helped regaining more mobility (2 x ray guided injections to the disc seemed to have really helped for now ). Anyway, I have lost 5 inches of my waist, 3 of the hips and 1.5 of each thigh and 23 lbs. Now hopefully, I will not be back next year writing the same story!!
Best Wishes to any fellow “Pound Shedders”
Chick x