Gordon Brown in PM’s question time responded from 2008 all women displaying the symptons of breast cancer will be seen within no more than 2 weeks.
Previously family doctors have been able to decide on priortiy of cases, those deemed urgent were referred within a fortnight, lower risk patients often had to wait between two and three months to be seen.
Good - about bl*ody time. I was told I had lumpy breasts for 4 months before getting a referral, and even then it was a non-urgent one - so didn’t get my DX til June and first went to Doctors in January.
according to my consultant it is already a guideline that was a year ago, its up to the doctor to ensure it happens for me it didnt I had to wait for 3 months too before being diagnosed
All credit to my locum GP then. Thank god at the time we had the most wonderful locum who referred me in what felt like seconds. I don’t think it would have happened if I had seen the regular GP. Sadly the dear man has moved on but I thank god he was there when I needed him (as did my husband). I don’t think the regular GP is even aware of what has been happening! The local hospital has been amazing though from start to finish (well I am not finished yet!)
“In response to a question from Labour MP Sally Keeble, Mr Brown said the government was determined to improve breast cancer screening - and pledged that all women referred to a specialist will get an appointment within two weeks, whether they are suspected of having cancer or not.”
saw my GP on a wednesday was referred and diagnosed with bc less than two weeks later and one week after that had my op . I cannot fault the speed, efficiency and kindness with which I am being treated although I do understand that it is not like that for everybody. Lin
hi all i can say is i got referred and seen in two weeks easily. perhaps it depends on where you live. i went to doctors and was told hospital will contact me within 48 hours with apt. i got a call from hospital in that time and was offered an apt in the two weeks. went on a monday had mammogram nothing then decided to do scan then core biopsy to be on safe side this was done all at same time so i left on a Monday with you will have results Fri we will phone you. as promised a call in the morning found cancer so go to see consultant that Fri pm i went an a date was given for lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy two weeks later. had that told results next Fri i did found two more spots in safety area. decided to do mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. going for MRI on other one in minute. all this has happened since a visit to doctors in case… on Sept 10th. i cant get my head round it it all happens so quick i don’t have time to think…
Hi - it’s a pity he can’t say the same about routine mammograms for over 50’s I had a routine mammogram in March- rang up 4 weeks later and was told my scans hadn’t been read because they were short of consultants !!! I was seen on 10th May - 7 and half weeks later. It was a very aggressive, large tumour and had to have a mastectomy. I just wonder how much it had grown in those 7 weeks. !!