Got appointment date!

I’m being seen at the breast clinic next Monday 8th June!
Trying to keep busy and positive, I’m so tired from work at the moment, I’m looking forward to a day off with my husband tomorrow and I’m trying not to think anything negative about my lump, but it is difficult!!!
I’m not sure what to expect at the clinic, can anyone fill me in please so I can prepare my self? Thank you xxxx

Hi Janeyg

You’ve come to the best place for support. The waiting is awful isn’t it? It is so difficult to not think negative thoughts, but you did the right thing getting checked out, and the time will fly by I am sure. My appointment is next Tuesday and I received my confirmation letter today. Even though it was a standard letter, the wording was quite comforting, in that referrals are seen within 2 weeks even if the doctor doesn’t suspect cancer.

I am sure you will have a lovely day out with your hubby.

I’m sorry I can’t offer any advice re what to expect as this is a first visit for me too, but there are many lovely people on here who offer support. One thing I would say is leave Mr Google alone (although that’s how I found this site, so it wasn’t all bad) - and remember there is only a small chance that this could turn into something as most referrals turn out not to be cancer.

Try and stay positive - although I know that’s easier said than done.


When I went 1st appt at clinic,saw doctor who sent me for ultra scan,then had 3 biopsies taken.Had go back the next week for results,so another week of worrying.Think everyone goes through the worrying part.Hope you get good news xxx

Hi Janey

Along with the support here, I am posting a link to the BCC publication ‘Your breast clinic appointment’ which I hope you will find helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC