got appointment for assessment, going on holiday soon after



I have been referred to a breast clinic by my GP. When i squeeze my nipples i am getting a clear yellow fluid coming out of them. I have a fiberous area in one of my breasts which was checked out a few years ago and was deemed as normal changes. GP isnt hugely concerned as the discharge happened 2yrs ago too and for all i know its always been there. 


I have received an appointment today for a week on tuesday. We go on holiday two weeks on saturday. Now if they do suspect something and do biopsys etc will i have the results before holiday? how long does it take? We have 2 kids who are super excited about going on holiday and i dont know what to do. Is there a chance we might need to cancel? I know it isnt the end of the world if we do have to cancel but would just like to know what the likely hood is that we will go.



Hi mrsmagoo mad welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the replies about other users’ experiences you will soon have here, please see the following link to the BCC ‘Referral to the breast clinic’ information’ which I hope you will find helpful:

Best wishes
Lucy BCC

Hi Mrs M,you normally get results within 2 weeks from mammogram and if they do a biopsy takes about a week.Often they can tell nothing sinister on the day though from ultrasound.

Hi mrsmagoo81,


It very much depends where in the UK you are. As Jill has already said, most biopsy results take a minimum of 7 days, but in some centres they have pathologists there at the clinic who can tell If there are any cancer cells present from a fine needle aspiration (FNA) so you can be told you’ve nothing to worry about on the day of your appt. I had my mammo, ultrasound scan, FNA, biopsies taken and diagnosis within 3 hours, although I had to wait for 10 days for grade, type of cancer and hormone and HER status. Hope all goes well and you’re given the all clear and have a lovely holiday. Ann x