Got date for tram flap.....

Got date for tram flap…

Got date for tram flap… Hi all, Well been to see plastics consultant today at the countess of chester hospital all went well, he had a look at me and told me the best recon for me would be a tram flap which i can have done on the 28th aug. Ive been waiting for today since last summer and was glad to meet him i was happy with all he had to say. I came home real happy but cant stop thinking about what its going to look like…has anybody else had a tram flap? and are you happy with the end result? Did it take you a long time to get back on your feet? Many thanks all for listening. all take care and god bless you all.xx

Tram Flap Recon Hi Macannie
I had mastectomy with immediate reconstruction last May (free tram flap). I was very pleased with the result and have never regretted it. I did wear the ‘correct’ bra - as advised by the Breast Care Specialist Nurse - day and night for 3 months !, but it did give me a good shape.

It took me a couple of months to get back on my feet but I also started chemo 5 weeks after my surgery, so that did not help. My scars are all faded now and once I have my new nipple done later this year, no-one will ever know I had surgery.

I met a lady in hospital who was having a recon after 12 years! She was thrilled with her new breast - she showed me and I must admit her surgeon had made a very good job. However she was from a different local hospital and did not have the same support and advice about taking care of her new breast. I think that is important.

I think it is well worth having done, After all we were meant to have 2 breasts!!

Best wishes
Pam x

Hi had tram flap re construction in jan. I am really pleased with the end result although bit hard in places due to radio therapy. Still bit red too! so i have to wait awhile for nipple to be done. My breast gave me no trouble whatsoever however my tummy felt and still at times feels peculiar. IT is accepting it is different and all the odd feelings are quite normal! Go for it…I also wore and am still wearing support bra and pants

Tram Flap I had immediate tramp flap recon, in Dec 06, and really pleased with the result. The stomach is the main area of soreness for quite a few weeks. My boob looks good a bit lumpy on the top bit, but I go back to the surgeon in 2 weeks and he said previously if it didn’t disperse then he would draw it out. Not bothered about that, as that’s the least of it. All the information I received said it got better with time.
Take you time when you come out of hospital, I came out a couple of days before xmas had thought I was superwoman on Christmas day only to pay for it on Boxing day.
But I got well wrapped up and went walking as soon as I got my stamina back, I think this helped me, as I then went onto chemo in Jan. But I am half way through this now so there is light at the end of the tunnel¦.


Hi there

I had an immediate recon done and it looks fantastic. After the op everyone said how well i was looking and this was just a few hours after, even though i had lots of stitches i really only used the morphine to send me to sleep, there wasnt really any pain and the nurses have you walking about within a day or two. They give you small exercices to do and you feel yourself within no time but its important to follow what they say and im sure you wont argue with them when they say no house work for a number of weeks. I was told to wear a soft supportive bra for a couple of months and a girdle for three months, i got mine from ebay, the pull up girdle is very handy after your op because the supportive knickers you can get are quite hard to pull up and you dont want a big fight on your hands (especially as you wont have the strength) every time you go to the loo, so my advise is buy a few girdles, they can be rolled on and off easily. But really there is nothing bad to mention about the op and the results are great.

Good luck