I got a phone call from the breast clinic yesterday evening. A week this friday at 3.30 so it’s just a matter of waiting now. Althought today is a good day I think it helps at least knowing I have an appointment. The receptionist told me that I wouldn’t be having a mamogram on this occasion I suppose it’s because I only had one in November.
Hi Sian
Im glad you got your appointment at least its another step forward. Good luck for Friday. Let us know wont you.
Yvonne xx
Good luck. I lucked out and got bumped up. I see a surgeon tomorrow to discuss the best next step. I’m scared he is going to look at my films and know exaclty what it is. I am praying he says something anything to give me some reassurance.
Good luck to you both for your appointments. I hope you both get good reassuring news.
Just a week to go now before my appointment. The waiting is the hardest, that and the fact that my appointment is at 3.30 and I need to find someone to look after the children as my husband says he would like to come with me. So thats keeping my mind busy at the moment as unfortunatly with no family nearby and the inlaws aren’t very helpful its beginning to be abit troublesome. Nevermind I’m sure I will manage thats what us mums do. Can anyone give me any advice on the ache I seem to be getting in my lumpy breast, it’s annoying and wondered if I could use a hot water bottle or as I don;t know if the lump is a cyst or something else should I not do that. It’s great to have everyone here who can give advice as I’ve still not told anyone other than my husband about it.
Good luck to all the ladies who are waiting on results!
Sian xx
Hi Sian
I think they recommend that you use a warm flannel if you have any breast pain, I would try it, I dont think it would interfere with anything.
I hope you get the children sorted, it nice that your OH wants to come with you and you need company.
Yvonne xx