Got referred for Mammogram after finding dimpling

Hi, I went to the GP yesterday as the other day when I was getting the shower I was taking my hair tie out and noticed my left breast kind of had indentation at the bottom, it wasn’t round anymore, it’s only noticeable if I lift my arm up. This wasn’t like this a few weeks ago. I made an appointment to my GP and she examined me, however there is tenderness there aswell, and when she examined the right side she could feel some lumps high I myself can’t feel but she did say this could possibly just be hormonal changes/menstrual cycle. I have got myself worked up! I have just turned 40 (5 days ago) and I have 2 young daughters a 2 year old and 3 year old and my mortality is a constant anxiety being an older mum. So finding this and being sent for a mammogram has scared me beyond belief. My fiancé and I are away next week for a dream holiday for 2 weeks for my birthday but knowing I have to come back for these tests has soured it.

Not being sure if there is an issue is scary but you have done the right thing to get it checked. A lot of problems aren’t cancer but if it is then a plan will be put in place to deal with it. For now, all you can do is enjoy your holiday and deal with the rest when you get back. Hopefully then it will all be fine. Good luck x

Hi @mel85
I know it’s scary but you have done the right thing going to GP @elsie1 is right enjoy your holiday I know it’s hard but having your dream holiday will take your mind of your results , there’s lots of reasons for your breast changes , easier said but done try not to worry xx

Just of the phone with he breast clinic, they want me in before my holiday so I’m booked in on Tuesday, they said it’s a 4 hour appointment. We leave on Wednesday morning. Can I ask is a mammogram painful and what about biopsies if they do them, we are going on 3 flights to the Carribbean for a cruise and want to know will I be in discomfort?

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Hi @mel85

Mammograms in my opinion are just a tad uncomfortable as your boob is being squashed.

I had local anaesthetic for the biopsies. That smarted initially and the actual biopsy was a bit ouch but was short lived. After that no pain.

Hope appointment goes as well as these things go and that you are able to switch off and have an enjoyable holiday.


My experience exactly as @mrsjelly. Unfortunately I ended up with a huge dark purple bruise that lasted nearly 6 weeks, from my armpit to side of breast. It didn’t hurt, but if that happens you may want to think about some tops that cover it, if it bothers you.

Hope you can enjoy your hols.

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Hi @mel85 happy birthday, sorry you’ve got such a rotten present. Mammograms aren’t painful as such but are uncomfortable as your boob gets squashed between two metal plates and you generally have to put your arms in unnatural positions and stick your butt out. But they last for 10-15 seconds each so perfectly doable. If you have to have a biopsy, they will give you a little local anaesthetic first which wears off within an hour or so with no long-lasting issues. The biopsy is there to a) confirm whether it is cancer or one of the many benign things and b) if it is cancer, what sort (there are 27 different types I believe and then you have to add stage and grade on top). You need to prepare yourself however as generally speaking the radiologists will have a very good idea if it is cancer and will probably say so (although not what type) so if you don’t want to know before your holiday, tell them to say nothing. Finally, if it does turn out to be cancer, the treatment path these days is very well understood and usually successful. I know it’s difficult at this early stage not to catastrophise but please put mortality out of your mind, far more women who have had BC die of something else usually a long time in to the future. The waiting for biopsy results is generally recognised as the worst phase of the journey so filling this time with a Caribbean cruise is a wise move!

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Thank you so much. I picked up my little girls from nursery and totally broke down in tears in the nursery heads office. I feel so overwhelmed there’s lots of things going on at the moment including trying to prepare for the holiday and making sure everything is sorted at home for the girls as my mum is looking after them while we’re away. I’m trying to remain positive and keep telling myself it’s probably nothing and I’m worrying for nothing, but then the catastrophizing part of my brain just takes over!

The Mamogram is just a very tight squeeze. THey will not squeeze more than necessary and if too uncomfortable they can loosen a tiny touch but its important they get the best picture or they will do more than once. The ultrasound is same as when you get a baby scan, so nothing to be concerned with. If you get a biopsy, it is well numbed before they do it. Sounds worse than it is…also, think about taking paracetamol before you go in, works wonders. You will have some bruising and may not be able to swim/sauna for a couple of days but they will advise you better on that. So glad they are seeing you before you go. I was lucky to be told on the day that they were 99% sure it was cancer which was great as it was a couploe of days before xmas and had I needed to wait I would have hated xmas and new year. As it was, I let my hair down and danced like there was no tomorrow, enjoyed plenty of drams and good food. I even told my closest family what was happening. Take one day at a time and enjoy your holiday.

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I found how painful a mammogram is depends on my breasts at the time. Would not cope premestrually as tender for a week or 2 between ovulation and period. Was sore after biopsy when they did another mammogram. What can I say, its doable, but more painful than I expected. As youre only 40, you might have dense breasts so will likely have an ultrasound scan too. Its harder to see stuff on younger people.

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Hi, I’m also early 40s and had my first mammogram a couple of days ago. I’m a really big wimp with medical appointments and the mammogram was nothing to be worried about. They lowered the plates gradually and also said if it did hurt to tell them. For a couple of seconds there’s a mild pinch, but they asked me to breathe in and hold my breath - it’s that quick and I was focused on holding my breath I barely noticed. You may also have an ultrasound - we’re at that crossover age for the type of tests. I fully expected biopsies but didn’t have these, but I think it also depends on breast density - how easy it is to read a mammogram (and this is why early 40s, they may also do an ultrasound after mammogram). I felt reassured at my appointment that they are very thorough.

I also think it may be a very good thing you have a holiday straight after. I hadn’t appreciated how anxious I was and emotionally heightened - I felt exhausted after so having a change of scene may help you.

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