Got results today - good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi All,

WLE did the trick, good clear margins, no invasion into lymph glands, no further treatment needed, just yearly mammograms to keep an eye on me. Phew !!! what a relief. Boy, do I have a lot to thank my surgeon for, he spotted it in the first place (despite the initial lab reports) and then compensated for the wire marker not being in exactly the right place when he did the operation. He’s done a brilliant job, and the operation site itself is so neat, when he gave me the news I could have kissed him, but I just shook his hand instead!

Good luck to all you ladies on here, and thanks so much for your support through this very worrying time, I will still come on here to keep an eye on you all.

Luv Carol x

Congratulations Carol - so pleased for you!!

take care

margaret x

Hi Carol,

That is brilliant news xx Deb xx


I am delighted to hear your good news. Happy for you that the surgery site is neat too. go celebrate

HI Carol

Have one for me!!!

Deb x

Hi Carol

Congratulations xx I have come to the conclusion that I must have had DCIS with my lump last year (they didnt say anything just all clear) but I have to go back yearly and when I had the ultrasound the radiologist graded my scan 4 and was almost sure it was cancer, when I went back for my results he just said that it was all gone but didnt actually say what ‘it’ was. I should have asked more at the time but was so relieved that it was all ok its only looking back that I am realising. I have to go back anyway on 29th May so I will ask then.

Yvonne xx

Thank you all for your congrats.

Yvonne - best of luck for 29th May, I know even when they say ‘all clear’ there is a litlle something lurking in the back of your mind left there by the experiences you’ve had. I’m just going to enjoy life to the full and have full belief that ‘all clear’ means just that!

Will be keeping an eye on you!

Luv Carol x

Yep I’ll drink to that xx

Take Care xxx

So so lovely to have some good news, and I am so pleased for you.
Please keep posting.


wow carol ,what wonderful news !! now just you go and pour yourself a big drink you deserve it !! take care lynn xx

Yay, yay! Very pleased for you, I think we all are. Go forth and enjoy life


That’s wonderful news, Carol - I take it you don’t even need radiotherapy - they must be pleased with your results. Take care and like everyone says, go on and enjoy your life now!
