GP Prescribing Arimidex

Hi everyone and Happy New Year

I am just starting on Arimidex and have been given the first 28 days by the Onc. After that its down to the GP, however at the surgery the Prescription Clerk tells me that I must go there every month to put in a repeat prescription for it and return a couple of days later to collect it. I queried that would mean 60 visits (120 if you include collection) over 5 years and she said that was the rules. The GP does not want to see me on these visits. Is this really the norm? I thought we were supposed to be getting on with life and not having to go to the GP’s more or less every three weeks for five years. Your experiences please.

I fear this is the norm as I have a similar experience with my tamoxifen and they won’t do telephone or online ordering to cut out one of the visits. The only way round it is to lodge the prescription with a local pharmacy who will do the putting in and collecting for you. My GP wants to see me every 6 months to “review” the prescription, which is ridiculous because it isn’t down to her to review it and I’m seeing surgeon or oncologist every 6 months where this is one of the things they discuss. It isn’t as if I am on any other medication at all. So, it is either a piece of bureaucratic time-wasting or an issue of control. After all, we would make an appointment if we were having problems.

I agree, we are supposed to be getting on with life, rather than taking up residence with our GPs. It would appear that their need of us is greater than our need of them!

Eliza xx

You should be able to arrange a repeat prescription by phone, via your GP or pharmacy (my pharmacy is attached to GPs surgery), depending upon how your local practice works. I’ve just reordered my aromasin this morning by phoning the pharmacy. If you have any problems, you should be able to ask your onc to authorise the repeats for you (as mine did).


Quite agree!However, I have a very understanding GP who is prepared to issue me with 3 months Tamoxifen at a time on the proviso that any the first problem I return to see her immediately.May be worth discussing with GP.
Best of Luck

I have a different experience. At the onset of hormone treatment I was given 1 months supply for the first 6 months but I am now able to get a prescription for 3 months supply at a time.

You could always make an appointment to see your GP each month, wasting as much of his time, as yours. Then they may get the message. If not, at least it cuts it down to 60 trips. Good luck.

Hi there, I arranged with my GP to get my Arimedex (and later Aromasin) every 2 months so that I could go on holiday without running out of tablets. Once he agreed I just phoned my Pharmacy and they got the 2months supply for me whenever I needed them. I have recently started Femara and without asking I get 2 months worth of tablets. You need to fill in a form at the pharmacy and they then hold the repeat prescrition form (I have one too, to remind me what I need). Then when you are running low on anything it saves you many trips to GP and chemist. Hope your GP will do this for you too. I did wonder if you were only getting one month supply just now so that he could see how you were on them. I have been on hormone tablets for 10 years now. LOve Val XX

Hi Nugirl,
I get my repeat persciption every 2 months ,and find that a chore ,it seems to come arround so quickly , It would be dreadful if i could only get 1month at a time.
see if you can at lease get 2 months good luck Delaine.

I agree it is a real bore but now I ask for a post dated one saying I am going to be out of the country just before I run out! They will cotton on soon no doubt.

hi i have been on arimidex for 12 months now and right from the start i have been given 2 months at a time because at first i used to have to pay for them now i have the exemption certificate i still have 2 months supply you should ask you gp as it is a pain when you have to keep going every month
take care
Jackie x

im on letrozole and i ask the gp last week if i could have more and 28 days supply and he said the PCT wont allow him to (cost apparently) but even my maths can work out that i costs the same for 5 years wether or not i have more than a month at a time!

Hi nugirl- I do agree with you- you are never allowed to forget that you are now regarded as 'chronic sick".

I don’t have to go to the surgery- I can ring thro the request as long as I go every 6 months for the ‘medication review’ but i really resent it and like other people here I haev resorted to telling the dsurgery dispenser that I need 2 months supply because I shall be on holiday (does she really think I have had that many holidays in the past year?!)
I agree with tippy1 that all this re the PCT (which is what I wasalso told) just doesn’t stack up- what difference does it make if it has to be ordered very three months or ery 3 weeks; just seems like more work and paper pushing for the practice and more (and unnecessary) surgery visits for us.

Re people who pay for their prescriptions - the NHS rakes in more prescription fees the more often a drug is dispensed.

Hope everyone knows that we shouldn’t be paying for these prescriptions. Ask at your GP or pharmacy about the exemption scheme.

Thank you so much for this. I am 3 months into Arimidex and had no idea…

Hi Everyone

As I started this string, I thought I had better update it with what happened next.

After the prescription clerk saying one month at a time was the max, I decided I was going to see the doctor and argue (nicely) my case. I was going to highlight the waste of his/his staff/my time etc etc. However the week after I asked I went back and asked what was the outcome to my request for more than one month at a time. A different clerk said your prescription can be printed now if you want and sent straight to the pharmacy. Great, I said and asked to see it and BINGO it was for three months. The repeat certificate attached is also for three months but I wont bank on that carrying on. I am assured by friends who have worked in surgeries that it is a cost matter. However for all of us it is a life matter, ie we dont want to waste our lives toing and froing to the GP’s. Seems he will review the prescription this July - and there’s me thinking it was up to the onc. I suppose they like to check on what is going on with their patients. Good luck & love to All Nugirl