I was diagnosed last Wednesday, just waiting for Her 1/2 to come up with a treatment plan, which I have been told will include surgery, chemo, radio and hormones in different order depending on results. I have 2 children aged 6 and 4, I have been told I will not be able to work for about 9 months. Will I be able to look after the kids? Walk the dogs? Financially we will find a way to manage but just wondering how ill I am likely to feel? It’s so odd as at the moment I feel fine and can’t imagine myself poorly or not able to manage my family. X
Hi Cathysid. you will work through this. We’ve you think back to trying times in the past…even having babies! …its amazing where we get our reserves from cos we cope. brilliantly. I was diagnosed yesterday with grade 3 IDC and like you the order of treatment is unclear yet until final lymph node biopsy result next Friday but decided already with surgeon that I want double mastectomy with reconstruction all together. I’ve got 2 boys, 10 &13 who I’ve decided not to tell until we get back from our hols. We go 6-15th Aug. surgery is likely to be that week home but depends on what order they advise next Friday when I get these further biopsy results. This is such a strange but comforting place to be! from the reassuring posts I’ve been reading though the surgery sounds pretty straight forward and recovery well manageable with family responsibilities. do you have friends /family close by who can practically - and emotionally- help out?
Hi there,
At this stage when you are facing the unknown it seems so terribly daunting. I was certainly terrified of the surgery as I’d never had any before. I imagined spending weeks in bed in agony and that was so not the case. I had a single mastectomy with immediate implant reconstruction and can honestly say it was much less traumatic than I imagined. I went on to have 18 weeks of chemo, FEC-T regime. Again I thought I’d feel sick all the time and spend most of the time with my head down the loo. Wrong. Most of the time I felt reasonably well. The anti-sickness drugs are very effective and if they don’t get it right the first time they’ll experiement until they find what does work. Tiredness is often the main issue and this does increase as the treatment goes on but it’s all doable.
You will definitely be able to walk your dog and that will be good therapy for you. Would you be able to get any help with the children on days when you are having treatment or if you do need a duvet day?
It sounds like you are in a good place Cathysid as you say you feel well at the moment. My one bit of advice would be to try and get yourself as healthy as you can before treatment starts - lots of dog walking will really help here - and eat lots of healthy food. I spent the few weeks leading up to chemo making healthy meals and smoothies and credit this with my getting through the chemo without too many issues. I do realise it’s more of a challenge with young children and hope you have lots of support.
Stick around here as there is lots of help and advice from a fantastic and supportive community.
Ruth xx
Hi Cathysid
It’s a weird feeling, right, because you don’t feel ill at all and as you move through the treatment, its the medication that makes it challenging.
Even though the whole process may take 9 months, there are many ups and downs along the way. It may take a few weeks to recover from surgery but then you’ll have time before chemo. Equally, when you start chemo, the first week may be tiring, the next couple will be just normal… You will be able to look after the children, just at times you may need some help. You will learn along the way, what you can manage.
Try joining the Going through Treatment section as you move through each treatment. There will be plenty of ladies on here that you can turn to for advice and support.
Best wishes
Sue xx
Thanks guys. I am just so supprised to be unwell. I eat organic food, exercise and generally look after myself . Glad to hear it may not be as I manageable as I imagine x
Hi Cathy as the other ladies said ,it’s really weird when you feel well to be told you have cancer ,after I was diagnosed Husband said “do you feel ill” and I can honestly say that I didn’t feel anything at all .