Granuloma Histoplasmosis of the lung? Anyone heard of this?

Just been on the american BC site and found this information on something called Granuloma Histoplasmosis, it was on a lung mets thread and too be honest I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

“I have a single lung nodule, but have had it for over 20 years and it has not changed. It is a healed granuloma from histoplasmosis according to radiologist. The histoplasmosis is caused from black birds which we have an abundance of here in the United States”.

I have googled the words and come up with quite a good explanation here’s a couple of links that explain it and

The reason I’m posting is because I was dx with multiple lung mets in March last year (see my profile for detailed description) I have had ct scans the first one showed stuff on my lungs the second one showed that the mets were stable and the third scan showed they were tiny and stable, because of the size of them they cant biopsy them BUT what if its this Granuloma Histoplasmosis and not BC lung mets! Just wondering has anyone else ever heard of this???

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.
Many thanks
sarahlousie xx