Grapefruit & Breast Cancer

In 2021 I was diagnosed with breast cancer
(DCIS, ER 8, PR8, Her 2 negative).
I had a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy and advised to take Letrozole for 5 years.
Since treatment I’ve lost weight and now have a healthy BMI, I no longer drink alcohol and regularly take exercise and now I’m much fitter.
My question is that I’ve just been advised by a friend and fellow breast cancer patient, that I must not eat grapefruit.
I usually eat 2 pink grapefruit per week so I’m shocked, can you please advise me if this is correct and I must stop eating them.
Thank you

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Hello, i not sure if its 100% true but i have read to avoid grapefuit and juice too.x

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Thank you Jemi, I was advised by an optometry specialist to add grapefruit to my diet as Macular Degeneration runs in my mother’s family and all pink/red flesh fruits are recommended to reduce the risks.
I’m now kicking myself that I’d totally missed the possible side effects.
Breast Cancer, the gift that just keeps on giving!

Hello @AngieMR

Grapefruit has for a long time thought to be a no-go food for a lot of conditions especially high blood pressure

However I believe the latest thinking on health and nutrition is that generally the moderate consumption of any food is of little negative (or positive!) impact

There are lots of things we can do to help reduce the risk of recurrence and it sounds like you’re all over the exercise and alcohol consumption and the healthy diet, personally I try to be as varied as possible in my diet so try to mix things up a bit and eat different fruits from week to week, so if are worried maybe look at switching some weeks.

AM xx

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Grapefruit does interfere with the absorption of some drugs so suggest checking the pack insert for your medication to see if there is an issue. My husband takes a drug that interacts with grapefruit. We love grapefruit so he tries to minimise the problem by taking the drug at bedtime.

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Thank you for your reply, there’s no mention of avoiding grapefruit/citrus fruits on the package information but I think to air on the side of caution I will reduce how often I have it.

Hello AngieMR

Thank you for posting.

It’s good to hear you are keeping healthy.

Some foods contain an enzyme which can interact with the way certain drugs are absorbed. In particular, grapefruit can interfere with drug absorption. This can also include any food stuff containing grapefruit such as juices.

While grapefruit can interact with some medications, this does not include letrozole so you don’t need to avoid it. If you have any concerns about drug interactions you can talk to your treatment team, GP or your oncology pharmacist or local pharmacist. You can also ask your pharmacist for the patient information leaflet that accompanies any medication you take as this will say if there is any specific medicine, food or drink that you need to avoid.

We offer a range of free supportive services for anyone who has had a diagnosis of breast cancer which you may be interested in.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK -prefix 18001).

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Breast Care Nurse

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