Great Birthday Experience

Hi Everyone

It has been suggested that I post this “mammoth essay” to maybe give others ideas for special birthdays/days out and to hopefully cheer you up and show you that we can still go out and have a fab time even while coping with all this c**p …

Some of you will know that it was my birthday on Saturday and not any old birthday, but my 40th … What can I say. I had a fabulous weekend … would you like to hear all about it … no??? yes???, ah well, tough if you said no, am gonna tell all, and boy it may get long!!!

On Saturday, as you all probably know, John took me to Rowhill Grange at Wilmington for the night. We had a lovely suite, with a fantastic 4 poster bed and the bathroom, was absolutely massive with bath in the middle. We used the spa facilities in the afternoon had swim and hot tub thingy I wore my old wig, but was a bit self conscious about it have to say. Then I had a facial in the evening at 6pm, and the lady who did was fantastic. I told them when we checked in about my “condition” and she volunteered to take me on (was booked with someone else apparently). Her name is Victoria. She works voluntarily at Bromley hospital, giving had/arm massages, and other things and knows quite alot about dos and don’ts for people with cancer. So gave me a lovely facial, but no head massage that normally goes with it, and gave me a few freebies too. It was lovely and very relaxing, although we chatted all the way through it.

John had lovely bubble bath waiting for me when finished and then off for dinner at 8pm. Have to say, i am not into all this fancy food stuff and was a little worried with the menu, but had salmon to start and pork for main, and both dishes were lovely. Not so sure on hubbys’ he had ox cheek to start - put me off straight away sound of it. Not sure he was that keen on it though. LOL. Also had a bottle of laurent perrier rose (hubbys sister upgraded to this from normal bottle of champers) and it was lovely!!! And the night continued … quite romantic have to say.

Next morning, up and showered by 8.45, yeah know, was supposed to have lie in, but body clock was not having it. Jack is a very early riser nowadays up by 6am most days (YUK), but brekkie finished at 10 anyway, so had a lovely full fry up and boy, was it delicious. I then had another treatment at 11.30 which was for body bronzing. But when went in, Victoria my lovely lady, said she had been up all night worrying about it, rang one of her colleagues from hospital and they both thought it was not a good idea for me to have it. Said that although she was going to rub as gently as she could she would still need to be quite firm and would obviuosly increase my circulation. She also said where I have the cannula inserted, my veins are probably quite weak and it might do more damage than good for her to rub hard there too, She would go ahead and do it, if I wanted and signed a declaration, but she prefered me not to for my own sake. So I ended up having another sort of facial, head stimulation or something and a lovely hand massage and as couldn’t have manicure (as had false nails last week), she gave me a free nail varnish, so chose a really pale pink for Sophie to have. But had a lovely time there and recommend to all,


We were supposedly going to meet Johns brother-in-law and sister and the muppets at local pub/kids play area for lunch, and he was moaning that they had decided they wanted to see where he worked and were already on the bridge!!! He then had to stop for petrol and was on the phone again. We pulled up at his golf club, and he said “oh they are in the carvary, so we will go in the back way here where the weddings use”. OK I thought. Anyway, there was Sophie, Jack, sis and bruv-in-law waiting. And Sophie came running out and said “Mummy, mummy, Grandad and Tracey are up there”, and I thought, Whoa, whats going on here … but kept walking and then saw a load of balloons with guess what, yep, 40 on them and then it HIT me. I walked in and there was 80 or so people cheering and clapping me and I just tried to hide then got all emotional (am now typing this). He had organised a surprise party for me, and there were people there I have not seen for a few years, all my friends and children and my family too. It wad amazing. I was completely shocked as I had absolutely NO idea about it at all. But boy, did I enjoy myself, although was completely knackered Sunday night and yesterday. Going round to talk to everyone and open pressies etc. I am still in shock I think and am so amazed that I never realised what was going on, or that John had got my emails and contacted people or the amount of calls between him and my friend Tracey too!!!

So all in all, I had a fab weekend, a great 40th birthday and cannot believe all my friends and family. Only downer was as still having to wear my glasses, all pics will be yuk, although all my pics are yuk anyway, as not photogenic. Grandad (my Dad) is coming over today with his camera, so if any nice ones will send to you all. Apparently Grandad had been at my sisters’ all last week and I didn’t even know.

Well enough of me … anyone still awake.

Hope this story inspires any of you having birthdays etc, and gives you the encouragement to go and enjoy things no matter what we are all going through. Did me the world of good I can say,

Thanks and Love

Well Dawn…what a fab birthday…HAPPY BELATED 40TH HUN…

Its sounds like you had a brilliant time and you got to relax, your John sounds like a lovely guy, still he does have a very special lady by his side doesn’t he. You deserve that special day Dawn…

Keep on smiling

P x

Happy delated birthday Dawn. I have followed your threads these last few months. We started our chemo at the same time.

I am soooooo happy for you - sitting here in tears of joy for you

Much love

Liz xx

Hi Dawn,
I too have followed lots of your threads. Glad you had a fantastic 40th , how lovely of your OH, friends and family to organise it all for you and amazing the little ones managed to keep it a secret!

Hi Dawn

Long time no speak, but just to say what a fabulous birthday for you. You really deserved it and I am delighted for you. What a husband John must be, and how much he and your friends and family must all love you. Was wiping away the tears as I read that post.

Take care dear Dawn and much love


Dawn - what a fantastic weekend - you so dererved it
massive happy belated birthday wishes and hugs

Hi Dawn
What a lovely thread. Happy belated birthday.
Liz x

Hi Dawn - It sounds just wonderful, made a lump in my throat reading it! Fantastic and may that wonderful after glow last for a long time! What a super husband and family you have. Sarah x