Hi all,
its my birthday today-I’m 47 and 2 days ago I was diagnosed with BC. Its tiny-8mm and I know its lobular-grade 1. It was found by accident. I found a cyst. I’ve had cysts before. but my G.P ,who also agreed it was a cyst, sent me for mamogram,etc. Well the cyst is a cyst, but hiding underneath it was this naughty lump. I am so gratefull to my cyst!! The consultant said I would never have felt the lump until it was at least 2cm and as it is hiding under the cyst who knows how many years from now I might have discovered it.
Someone was obviously watching over me. anyway I’m having a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy in 3-4 weeks. The lump is so small I have to have a wire placed inside me before the op to show up on x-ray/ultrasound, as otherwise the surgeon would never find it.
of course I’m in shock at having cancer-but in the scheme of cancers its nothing. My poor mum has secondary ovarian cancer and has been on chemo virtually solidly for 3 years. she will never be cured . I’ve been assured that there is a 95% chance of me never having problems again so lets hope. I’m happily married BTW with 3 lovely kids aged 20,17 and 13.
Just wanted to say hi and Happy Birthday! It’s also my big brother’s birthday today so must be a special day.
Well done you for sounding so positive, you are obviously a very sensible lady. I’m 38 and was diagnosed four months ago (when my baby was only 9 months old) I had a lumpectomy and then sample lymph nodes removed which were all clear thankfully. Four weeks radiotherapy, and now I’m on Tamoxifen for five years. My mum had ovarian cancer when she was only 38 so I’m seeing a geneticist for blood tests to see if I carry the faulty cancer gene BRCA1 or BRCA2.
This is a scary time for you, and it will take a while to sink in. You will find many friends on here though, and please feel free to ask any questions, even if you think they might sound silly. We’ve ALL been where you are now : )
Happy Birthday Knitnut. I hope despite everything you’ve managed to have a good day.
So sorry you have had to join us on this site, but you will definatly get lots of support,help,advice and friendship on here.
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Just joined this forum and saw your message. Firstly HAPPY 47TH BIRTHDAY!! I was 47 in August. On 4th July I found a lump on my nipple, went to the doctor and she thought it was an infection and gave me antibiotics. It didn’t disappear so was sent to breast clinin at beginning of September and even the consultant thought it an odd place for a lump and suggested a mammogram and ultrasound. Mammogram was unclear but ultrasound showed up the lump plus another small one deep inside. Like you mine were both less than 1cm and after biopsy received the results on 23rd September to say that the internal lump is cancer but the outer lump results were inconclusive. Have undergone bone scan, blood tests, CT scan next Monday and also had another biopsy on the nipple lump. Hopefully will hear within a week with the results but have been told that if the lump on the outside is cancerous then will need a mastectomy. I feel the same as you - I believe an angel was sitting on my shoulder by giving me the external lump otherwise I would never have discovered the internal lump until way down the line. It sure is scary but I am being very positive because it has been caught early, is small and is hormone receptive so can be treated. I refuse to allow this to make me negative. I have told everyone I know and by creating a positive attitude, this helps my friends be positive and that makes me feel a lot better. My husband and I have been through a lot over the years. In 1998 he had a serious motorbike accident, a year after we were married and two years later had to have a below knee amputation just as we had gone down the IVF route with our first child. Thank goodness he is fine and I had a beautiful baby girl (now 8) conceived through IVF. When she was 4 months old I fell pregnant with my son (now 7) and I feel very blessed. Life can seem very unfair sometimes but whenever possible try and laugh. I know we don’t always feel like it but it does help. Stay positive and good luck. KAZA
Welcome to the forums Kaza and wow, you sound like such an inspiration! It is exactly that attitude that will help you through the next few weeks and months.
Hang in there both of you!! There is a great thread on here called ‘friends needed, diagnosed early May’ on which I have made a bunch of amazing friends. Please come and join us
thank you all for your support and welcome. its good to know that I can come somewhere to chat and moan.
I was shopping today and bouth some P.J’s and a soft bra ready for the op. In M&S I picked up a breast cancer badge. I must admit since buying the badge I feel a bit tearful, but it’ll pass.
Kaza, welcome. You sound positve like myself and thank goodness yours too has been caught early. Your family has been through the mill. I live with Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and have become partially disabled by it. The last 5 years have been tough for my family and this on top of it was like… whatever next (but we wernt that polite about it!!!). look forward to chatting to you all
Knitnut and kaza, i can’t tell you it will be easy as it wont, you will have up moments and down moments but some how you will find away to cope as you already both have had to with you life. You are both very strong ladies and probably without realising it.
I was diagnoised in may, in february my Husband nearly died and was in ic and hdu and then back in hospital in july. I also have had ME but seemed to go into remission when i became pregnant in 2005. I have had days when i felt i just couldn’t take any more and thought (like we all do) 'why me haven’t i had enough crap but being on this site has helped so so much. Knowing i’m not alone with this crappy illness has really helped and i have made some great friends.
Be strong ladies, your not alone we are here for you and please believe me it does get easier just take each day as it comes.
Gina xx
P.s My angel was my 2 year old daughter who was laying on me right breast giving me a cuddle when suddenly i felt a pain, i rubbed it better and that is when i felt the lump.
Your PS note made me tearful…I like the pic…she looks so cute…my daughter is 5 and son 10…I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and it has gotten a bit easier…I guess I have accepted it…and have some sort of modus operandi of how I will deal with this emotionally (bit of a patchwork plan at the moment)…as opposed to just being in shock…You are really brave…cliche I know…thanks for the good message