Great tits T shirt -like or dislike? Please read.




Current tally

36 dislike
1 neutral or like

I’ve seen it on a social networking site, and think it’s in bad taste. My daughter doesn’t like it either.
It’s a double dislike from us.

After I was told about the T shirt I posted the first query on the Breakthrough site this morning; couldn’t quite believe they had ok’d it. Then went over to English Threads to suggest that they had it wrong. It is heartening to see the support in favour of my comment since this morning.

So big dislike.

A bit ashamed of being the only one.


I see people with REALLY rude stuff on their t-shirts - have seen the “c” word and all sorts… I’ve seen very similar tshirts with “great pair” with a pear and one with “tits” on too. In fact, I just googled it and found others:

So there is a market for this kind of thing - people DO buy and wear them.

I understand that the issue here is that a breast cancer charity is connected to this shirt and I do agree that this is inappropriate - and I assume that this Simon chap of English Threads has approached the charities to add a unique selling point to his shirts and to boost his sales and cash in on breast cancer awareness month rather than because it’s a charity close to his heart otherwise I am sure he would have designed something more appropriate which I also think is completely inappropriate.

I was just commenting on the t-shirt itself. I, personally, don’t like it or dislike it - am neutral on the t-shirt itself. BUT completely agree with the controversy around the t-shirt’s connection with Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

I actually have a friend (well, more of a friend of a friend, but a VERY good friend of one of my best friends) who works for Breakthrough Breast Care. I’ll find out the circumstances of how the association came about.

Sandytoes - I like the t-shirt, I don’t like that it’s in support of BC though as it’s not appropriate in that instance.
So I guess you’re not on your own with liking it for what it is, just not as a fund raiser.

I’d have worn it maybe 10 years ago.


as Tshirts go I have said on the other thread that i put this on a par with the ones you get with hand prints on the boobs!.. my opinion is the same as EL KAT… (maybe I’ turning into her)… I dont mind it, its the BC connection that is wrong

OK - I misunderstood and thought we were just commenting on the tshirt - and was just showing that there was a market for the t-shirts as many comments were about how terrible the t-shirt was and were questioning why people would wear the t-shirt. There are alot of people who would wear tshirts like this… But that’s not the issue. And also - they weren’t designed FOR people with breast cancer to wear.

Changing my vote to DISLIKE for the connection with Breakthrough Breast Cancer. (But still neutral on the actual tshirt!).

I DISLIKE the connection of the t-shirt with breast cancer. I don’t mind the t-shirt itself although I would never have worn something that drew attention to my boobs.

I also dislike all the disliking of things at the moment. Or am I on my own with this one.

Supertrouper - it’s good to have a good old rant though :smiley:
But agree, could do with a bit of “like” at the moment, perhaps going back to having a good old inappropriate laugh about rudey things again to lighten the mood.
We’re all pretty much capable of a good old chuckle as well as a good old rant.



I posted on EThreads and BBC pages.

Me too DISLIKE. I find it totally offensive on all levels, I think it would make a woman/girl look cheap!

How insensitive, definitely DISLIKE

Dislike the tshirt, completely inappropriate to be associated with BC.

El Kat, if u want a good chuckle have a read through the ‘Wind’ thread, i was crying with laughter last night, it was soooo funny.

Dislike. Would never wear and certainly never buy!

It just lacks respect doesn’t it???

Too tired to count but 100% dislike of this t-shirt being associated with breast cancer awareness and fundraising so far.

If anybody does think the ends do justify the means, or just aren’t bothered by it, please post as nobody should be scared of doing so. Thanks x