The tits T-shirt is still the first entry in their T-shirt gallery on their FB page. It’s just not the wall photie.
He sounds a right cocky s*d, so I doubt it.
The tits T-shirt is still the first entry in their T-shirt gallery on their FB page. It’s just not the wall photie.
He sounds a right cocky s*d, so I doubt it.
their facebook page is taking comments again
Power to the people
We shall not go quietly into the night…
The guy sounds a right cocky know-all sod. Maybe he’d understand what so many are upset about if we suggested he market a pair of men’s underpants with two rugby balls on the front and the excuse that two funny shaped balls are a joke for those with testicular cancer?
I love the wright stuff- great news they’re going to cover this + I hope they adress the issue more generally (the whole jokey, pink, trivialisation of bc). My only issue is how I’ll manage to watch channel 5 all morning + not cartoonito/ Disney channel?! My little boy will not be impressed…
Hi Gingerbud
I’ve got my 2 year old grandson in the morning so I’ve put The Write Stuff to record.
Is there anyone on the forum who likes the Tshirt and thinks that as the money is being raised for breast cancer research we should accept it? Or who isn’t bothered by the t shirt one way or the other.? You will not be castigated for your views, I would welcome anyone who thinks differently to say so. This is not a thread to discuss the merits of pinkification, it’s a resource so we have concrete evidence one way or another on what the majority of this breast cancer forum members think of the Tshirt in the context of breast cancer. if there are any like or neutral views out there then we need to know to make this thread useful. Even if you don’t normally post, I’d be grateful for your input just this once.
We need to remember that this is a public forum and it doesn’t help our cause to slag off individuals as we just play into their hands when they are portraying us as a minority bunch of bullying breast cancer crusaders, so as Coach Calhoun said, keep it clean please, keep it clean.
Well said
Hi Tors
I have previously posted to state that it’s not the t shirt that’s offensive (not that I would have worn it even before bc) it’s the fact that it is being “used” to raise money for Breakthrough Cancer. I don’t think that this has been thought through properly as I’m sure they could have designed a more “appropriate” t shirt to raise money for a cancer charity.
It’s good to see that women are taking the stance with this and also that they are being listened to by the media, hopefully it will make both English Threads and Breakthrough Cancer take a long hard look at themselves.
Lizz xx
I have been a bit poorly the last couple of the days so don’t feel like going back and reading through the thread but I did have a look at the T-shirt.
If English Threads are raising money for BC this seems to be a strange way to go about it. The t-shirt says nothing about breast cancer. It’s just a T-shirt. Why donate the profits from this particular t-shirt to a breast charity? Because it is printed with two blue tits upon it which are placed roughly where a womans’ teats would be? If it wasn’t associated with a BC charity it would be thought a little tacky and only a bit witty. Associated with a BC charity, it is tactless.
In the world of charity, all donations are welcome, so I will stay neutral. Some people might find it amusing and buy it, I suppose.
It would be interesting to know what their target market is … as its obviously not Breast Cancer patients.
Hi Ladies,
I started a thread called "English Threads t shirt issue. However to update you all, I e-mailed Suzi Perry the model of the t shirt and I thought you would be interested in her reply.
“Hello Maggie, As I am sure you will appreciate, my intentions in wearing the t-shirt were entirely honourable. I have friends who have battled breast cancer and indeed I had a nasty scare a couple of years ago so I felt that this was agood way of raising much needed funds for breast cancer awareness and research for Breakthrough Breast Cancer. There has been a great deal of positive feedback but rather than upset and hurt any ladies who have been through so much, I will be withdrawing my picture from English Threads as soon as I get back to the UK. Please accept my sincere apologies and my best wishes to you
We will obviously have to wait until she is back in the UK but hopefully the picture will disappear of their screen soon.
Well done Maggie. That’s excellent news!
Good for you in being so proactive!
I wrote a long missive last night to the company which will add weight but your intervention will definitely make a huge difference.
I hope you are well. We were in touch in the earlier days about 12/18 months ago. Do hope you’ve been progressing ok.
It would be lovely to hear your progress.
Best wishes Wx
Massive thankyou to all the movers and shakers on this thread!
Well done Maggie!
And well done suzi perry for listening and acting so decisively. Breakthrough and english threads could learn a lot from you as to how to deal with such sensitive matters
Am I too late for a dislike? x
Nope, still collecting votes.
I’ve just become aware of the issue reading the posting of some of my BCC friends on FB. Well…like many before me have said IN ITSELF the t-shirt would be perfectly ok. It’s the fact they have associated with BC that is questionable. Because how can you joke about breast cancer? I’m the cheekiest, most fun loving girl around but I don’t think that joking about breasts that have been maimed because of this horrible disease is a laughing matter. In fact it is very offensive and insensitive towards women who are battling against it. Do you honestly think that a pair of male boxer shorts with a picture of a cockerel and the writing GREAT COCK would be an appropriate one to support prostate cancer??? COME ON!!! Who are these marketing people?
So to conclude: DISLIKE!
Lulu xx