Hi everyone
Going back to last summer whilst I was undergoing chemo there was a thread on diet and some suggestions for the best green tea but I can’t remember the name of them. Can anyone recommend a really good green tea?
Thanks Amanda xx
Hi everyone
Going back to last summer whilst I was undergoing chemo there was a thread on diet and some suggestions for the best green tea but I can’t remember the name of them. Can anyone recommend a really good green tea?
Thanks Amanda xx
Hi Amanda
I get mine from the Japan Centre in London. The best ones are supposed to be in this order (all Japanese unless specified):
Gyokuru #1
Sencha #1
Sencha #2
Gyokuru #2
Pilo chun emperor (Chinese)
Yunnan (chinese)
The Japan Centre has a website, but the best teas aren’t included on it. You can email them and they are very helpful.
Or this lady sells Sencha and has an interesting case history:
I think her website is called Tea4life.
finty xx
Glad this subject was brought up again as it reminded me of something I read in a magazinelast week. Apparantly drinking green tea with lemon increases the uptake of catechins. Finty have you heard of this?
I’ve had a quick internet search and attached a not particularly great link on this:
teapigs do a lovely green tea x
Thanks Elinda - I had read ages ago that lemon was good, but not the reason why. That’s very helpful - thanks.
finty xx
Try white tea as well (as in the type of tea, not tea with milk lol).
Any organic one. Apparantly has more catechins/polyphenols than green or black teas.
Very delicate tea, nice without milk, no bitter after taste.
More info:
I am also a fan of white tea too. When I was dx in 2004, I converted onto green tea and green tea with lemon. I then read about white tea being even higher in antioxidents, and when i tried it I was hooked! It’s not as bitter as green tea can be, and tastes really lovely(I think so anyway!)
By the way, both drunk without milk, and I leave the tea bag in whilst I drink it.
I drink clipper tea, by the way
Hi everyone
Many thanks for your responses, I think I will try both the green and white tea, thanks again.
Amanda xx
Hi Amanda
There was a thread about this a while ago and I was encouraged to buy Japanese Sencha tea and given the name of suppliers, but found a nice one, a bit weird at first but drinkable (I haven’t tried the lemon but may add that to my next one)in Sainsbury’s. It wasn’t in the tea aisle, but was with the health food like ‘free from’ range. It didn’t cost too much either.
I am a real tea drinker and love ‘normal’ tea with milk, but have got used to Japanese Sencha, I have tried and really disliked other green tea brands.
Good luck with your search
Hi Feisty I’ve had the same issue. I think Tamox & green tea are too much for my post chemo stomach. I have converted to green tea powder in cereal, smoothies or a bit of yoghurt & no further problems. Hope you’re well. Amanda Waitrose have quite a nice green tea a clearspring matcha blend in a green packet. My husband found an almost tasteless one in fortnum & mason, by far the least offensive I’ve tried, not that expensive, but a bit impractical to get. All the best xx
I drink OMG green tea. Wouldn’t drink any other green tea. Check them out.