Grief striken

Sorry to post this but needed to share it.
i’m due to start my chemo on wed.
Received a phone call tonite informing us that OH aunt passed away today after a fairly short battle with this appauling disease. If that isnt bad enough, his uncle left the hospital, went home and took his own life !!
Where was his support network ??? We live almost 200 miles away and hadnt been able to see them since my own diagnosis.
I feel numb.
Sharon x

Hi I’m so sorry what a terrible thing to happen its bad enough loosing one person let alone 2 I don’t think I’ll have the right words for you I know me and my oh have never been offered any counselling not that I feel I need it i know my bcn is always there I’m so sorry for your losses just wanted to say hello really xx

Oh Sharon,
I am SO sorry - I don’t know what to say. Your poor, family.

I wish I had some good words to say, but I don’t.

All I can do is send you a virtual hug.

I’m so sorry to hear your news.That would be awful at the best of times but when you have your own dx and treatment to cope with it must be even worse.
I have no wise words for you, just sympathy for the double loss you have suffered and sadness at the circumstances. It is very hard but you need to concentrate on your own needs and treatment I’m sure thats what your aunt would want.
I wish you the very best and hope that chemo works really well for ypu with minimal side effects.
Julie x

Nothing to say that can help - but sending huge hugs x

Oh Sharon. What an awful time for your family. Sending you hugs & heartfelt wishes of sympathy. May your family pull together & find the strength to help you through your coming treatment whilst you grieve.

Twinky x

Sharon I am so very sorry, such a terrible thing to happen, you will find strength to get you through this awful time and help you through your chemo.

Much love and sympathy to you all
Marina xx

Dear Sharon,

So sorry to hear this. On behalf of the moderation team here, please accept our sincere condolences.

If you need someone to talk to, the helpline staff will be only too happy to help you. Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

No words can express how sorry I am for you and your family.

Sending you hugs


Sharon, How very shocking and devastating for you. No words will adequately comfort you at the moment. Know that you have support from your ‘virtual’ friends here.

Thoughts and prayers are with you as you deal with your grief and your own forthcoming treatment.


Please accept my condolences and some virtual hugs. xx

Hi Sharon,
I am so sorry for your loss, i lost my mum to this terrible illness 3weks ago and know first hand how hard it is to deal with grief and chemo but i am sure like me you will find the strength to carry on.
Sending you a big hug and i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers xx

Thank you to everyone for all your kind words and support.
This has hit the whole family quite hard but I know I have lots of support on here.
Thanks again
Sharon xxx