just a little worried about a hard lump that is growing on my breast bone between my right breast and my left masectomy reconstruction. I was diagnosed with triple negative bc in 2005 & 2012. In 2005 i had lump removed, sentinal node biopsy, chemo and radio. In 2012 i had a recurrance so had masectomy and chemo, then in 2015 a swarnoma brain tumour which was not related to my bc diagnosis.
In June i had my yearly visit to the oncologist where i mentioned a very small pimple like lump on my breast bone, she felt it then said thats what it most probably was. now it is raised up about 1cm from my chest and is very hard, i am also getting sharp pains on the left side where i had my masectomy. i dont want to go to the docs if i am just wasting time over a pimple as i spend so much time seeing a neuro consultant due to problems arising from the brain surgery.
has anyone else had a lump there and what was it? My doc saw it on Friday and told me off for leaving it, i;m waiting for an appointment with breast clinic and bone scan