Hi all
Just wondered if anyone else had experienced this - I had bilateral WLE on Monday and am really doing well. BUT when I move I hear a very pronounced gurgly sound from right boob, like decanting wine, or air bubbles in a bath (I’m too polite but you know what I mean). BCN says they leave some fluid in to help the healing, and a
I’m just wondering how long I’ll have this?
I had a bit of fluid after my re-ex and more where the SNB was. it went down after a few weeks, the body gradually re-absorbs it I think but if it builds up too much and feels sore they can drain it too. I had the scar under my arm drained x
Thanks MG
I think I’m more curious than concerned, its just such an odd thing.
Hi S
I had experienced the same thing after my WLE, I also did notice if I held my boob you could feel and hear the fluid swishing about which was a bit strange but I think I had too much fluid in mine, as 2 weeks after surgery I had a bit of a leak from my scar but the doctor drained it and I had no more problems after that.
Debbie x
I’m glad I fond this thread! Had a WLE and SNB in Jan and recovered from that really well and then found out that I had to have a re-excision which I had last Monday 28th Feb.
Suddenly this morning noticed the gurgling noise!!what is that??! Is it fluid they put in to help healing as someone has said or is it excess fluid from surgery which is building up?
Is it bad??!!
MG,has yours gone away now? Nice to see your photo! How are you?
Have lost track of some of you, the Deep dark forest getting a bit surreal for me at times!
Anyway does anyone know if I have a gurgly boob forever now??..
Hi Wandy
I did mention it to BC nurse and she said ‘it was left in’ to help healing, so not sure if its natural body fluid or something they added. I’m still gurgling almost a week after op, not too worried and just hoping it goes away soon. I’ll see surgeon on Friday and if its still there by then I’ll ask if it needs to be drained.
Sorry to hear about your re-excision, it seems to happen an awful lot. I did ask surgeon if he’d aim for big margins and try to get it right first time, not sure if they can do that though. I had two lesions excised on the gurgly side so am thinking its maybe caused by having quite a big space. I’m being good at wearing the sports bra night and day to try to avoid any dents.