Gut pain on Taxotere
Gut pain on Taxotere Hi Ladies,
I had the first of four Taxoteres last Friday. As expected, once the steroids wore off I became very tired indeed and have spent all of this week just falling asleep in front of the TV. Surprisingly, I’ve not had any real aches or pains just twinges. The thing that is getting me down is gut pain which I didn’t expect. I don’t have diarrhea/constipation but my guts have been so painful all week - a combination of period pain, griping and food poisoning.type discomfort. It’s there most of the time coming and going in waves. Combined with the claggy mouth and no tastebuds I’ve managed to lose yet more weight this week. I’ve now lost nearly 2 stone since being diagnosed last Xmas and I was just under 91/2 st then.
Has anyone else had this stomach/gut thing and does it last the whole of the 3 week cycle or does it get better during the last week? Any suggestions for relieving this pain would be appreciated.
Jibby X
Hello Jibby
Sorry to hear you’ve got gut pain with Taxotere. I had much the same reaction - I had dreadful gut and stomach pains. I did have diarrhoea but I think that may have been because I was very anxious not to get constipated as I did on FEC and so I was taking a small amount of senna.
I have a history of stomach and gut problems and also have IBS and I take a pantopazole (Protium) tablet every morning for my stomach problem. After Taxotere I tried taking one in the evening as well, which helped a bit. I have read messages from other users of this board who were prescribed one of the pantoprazole type drugs by their GP which they found helpful for stomach pains after Taxotere.
However I was still having problems despite doubling my dose and my oncologist suggested I try Immodium to slow down the action of the gut and this worked very well. Most of the pain went in a couple of days.
Good luck
Love Anthi
I had problems after the first cycle of Taxotere as I had a very bad reaction to it. My GP prescribed Omaprazole.