Gym while on chemo

Hi Im onto my third fec I was thinking of going back to the gym does anyone else go to the gym whilst on chemo ? X x

Hi Julzd, I sometimes felt like I could go to the gym, but decided against it in case of picking up infections, as my wbc was always v low. So I went for walks instead xx

Hi biddlybee . That’s what I’m worried about but I was thinking of going at quiet times maybe it’s not worth the risk . I feel like I’m isolated no work no gym its starting to get to me a bit x x

I think il have a word when I go for my next treatment see what they say probably end up going for walks haha. Thankyou for replying. X

I went to the gym after my first chemotherapy and found it hard. I just did the very basics, bike for ten minutes, abdominals and finally some cross trainer. Last Sunday I went jogging with my husband and managed our normal three miles. I needed to do this as I had my second chemo on Tuesday and now feel terrible. My gym have frozen my membership but if I feel up to it I can still use it at no cost which is great. My doctor said if I’m able then still keep jogging and going to the gym but it is hard. It is frustrating as all the hard work you put into your fitness and toning up before you start your treatment soon disappears and you see some flabby bits come back.
Good luck and just go with how you feel.