
hi just wondering if anyone has started the gym since op.i had mascetomy and 22 lymps out in sept 09 (blimey that seems so long ago) i still struggle with abit of cording. ive just had my port taken out this wk so still bit tender.i need to do something to get me healthy and tone all my wobbly bits just wondering if anyone has any knowledge of dos and donts.
thanks kerry xx

Hi kerry

ihad mastectomy and full node removal 30th Nov. i,m currently on my second dose of fec chemo. i haven’t gone back to gym yet, but when i do my arm exercises i am incorporating, various other exercise ie squats, lunges using small weights, various pilates exercise and some of the easier stomach exercises. I go for at least a 3 mile walk nearly every day. I intent to do this for a bit longer, just to build up the amount that i can do. Then i,m def going back to gym - I miss it so much. I do all these exercises in small repertitions. I would suggest you talk to your breast care nurse or doctor first before starting and always listen to your body. I think it will also depend on how fit you were before your surgery.

I must say getting back to exercise has made a massive improvement not only to my fitness but to the way that i,m dealing with Bc. I now feel much happier in myself

Good luck and love Maria X

Hi Kerry
I belong to a Topnotch gym, and talked to one of the trainers before I started back. They set up a special workout for me, which is great - even if all the grannies are going three times as fast as me on the bicycle machine! Just do what feels right for you.
By the way, my gym also stopped my membership for me while i was off sick - saving me about £250.
It feels great to be exercising again by the way, the first time i got back in the pool i didn’t think I’d make i to the end of the first length, but I surprised myself.


I joined a gym for the first time at 45 after my bc treatment was almost finished - and would recommend that you keep exercising, just check with a good trainer that you are doing things that are appropriate. Personally I found that yoga was very good, both physically and emotionally as it was very calming.
BTW there is some evidence that exercise may help avoid a recurrence of bc, and also lymphodoema.
Best of luck

I hope you won’t mind an older women (46) posting on here. I thought you might be interested in this research on weight lifting and lymphodema:

The main thing is, that with node removal, you are at risk of lymphodema and any weight lifting should be a very gradual process and with assistance from someone who understands and can develop a programme for you. This is particularly the case where you’ve had had a break from it. Frustrating as it may be, it’s better than developing lymphodema.

I am 42 and had treatment in following order chemo - op (WLE + ANC) - radio (finished 2 days ago).
Up to chemo 3, I went to the gym regularly, then started on Tax and I had to switch to walking. Most days for just over an hour. It was tough going, but I believe it has made me fitter now, post treatment. Will go back to gym, but due to ANC will be very careful with arm. You need to take it easy, build up the arm exercises slowly and over a period of time.
I was advised that you can build it up to what you were used to prior to operation. So if you played tennis, then you may play tennis again. If you never played tennis with your affected arm then dont take it up post surgery!
I practice my arm 2-3 times per day. If I don’t, I can feel the arm and shoulder stiffen up, slight feeling of cording etc.
Exercise makes me feel very positive and focused, so I would recommend it.
Nikki x