Had an MRI now called back for biopsy

I am at high risk due to family history and “variants of unknown significance” on pal2b, so I alternate mammo and mri every 6 Months. I had an mri Thursday afternoon, my dr called Friday morning and said I needed a biopsy ASAP, so I go in Tuesday morning. She set me an appt to see her Thursday for the results.

I was looking around the patient portal, and sat the order for the stat biopsy and an order to PET prescheding. So, now I’m freakkng out because I was nosing around my medica Records. I guess all I can do it wait.

Hi Concernedmama,

Waiting is always difficult but it sounds as though you’re doing everything you can to get the answers you need.

Look after yourself, Becca at Breast Cancer Care.

Hi concernedmama how did you get on with your biopsys and results?


I also have a palb2 mutation and had a call back from an MRI  for a guided biopsy this week.  Waiting for results now.