Had biopsies yesterday, consultants 'worried' by lumps - scared

Hi everyone,


I had my first mammogram and ultrasound yesterday - with initial feel consultant thought the lumps (one in each breast) were just cysts. Then had mammogram, waited an hour then had to have a second mammogram, at which point I thought there might be something up. Ultrasound the consultants both said they were ‘worried’ about the lumps. One said ‘this is not a cyst’ - at this point I kind of froze and couldn’t ask any questions. My lymph on one side was also enlarged so they have taken core biopsies of the lymph and also the 2 lumps. In addition there was calcification on the same side as the enlarged lymph - I have to go to a different hospital tomorrow for a biopsy on the calcification. I am absolutely petrified and most of all worried about my 2 little girls. Wondering if anyone has any coping strategies, I am at work but feel so anxious.


Thank you xx

Dear jhbee

Welcome to the BCC Forum.  I’m sorry you find yourself here though.

It might help to give our Helpline a call to talk things over.  They will be able to offer practical information and emotional support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Jhbee, it’s such a terribly worrying time, I just tried to carry on with things as normal and kept telling myself worrying will not change any outcome but will just make me feel worse. Keep yourself busy do fun things with your girls. Wishing you all the best for the results…try to stay positive xx

Hi everyone,


What a find and a godsend this forum is, to see other people sharing the rollercoaster of emotions.


I had mammogram (well, several, I was called back in to have some “more squished” ones taken, and also for more after a metal marker had been put in), ulrasound, fine needle aspiration (although no fluid appeared to come out?), plus core biopsy done last Thursday. Now I’m waiting to go back for cytology results next Tuesday. I’m ranging from calm to sheer panic, today being a panic day. All day I’ve felt panic in my chest and stomach and have verged on having a full blown anxiety attack several times. Sad to see others in the same/worse positions, but reassuring to know that the emotions are “normal” for others too, and that I’m not losing it.


jhbee, I hope that you soon get some good news x