Had Biopsy and ultrasound today

hi everyone,

i found a hard lump top of breast and got referred to hospital, today at hospital i had, ultrasound and core biopsy.

I have been told i will get results in 2 weeks, the doctor said it is not a cyst (can they know this from the ultrasound?) and they said they think its a benign and nothing to worry about.

Im a bit paranoid as ultrasound showed lump as very dark and its hard and im convinced the doctor would say to everyone not to worry?

Hi there,

I think they can tell quite a lot from ultrasound, but can never be definite until the biopsy results come back. They were able to tell me from a mammogram and ultrasound that it was more than likely cancer - and for me it was. Have you had a mammogram?

The waiting is the hardest part, but the fact that they have said its probably nothing to worry about should be some comfort, I don’t think they would have said that if they had any concerns, it would be unprofessional.

Thinking of you, let us know how you get on.


Hi Al,

Thanks for replying, no i havent had a mammogram, just had the ultrasound, core biopsy and some other needle thing the consultant did.

So i sound not worry then? i didnt realise that they would suggest it was BC without the results from the biopsy?


Hi mrss
My BC was picked up by a routine mammogram, which I nearly didn’t go for!!!
I was called back for an ultrasound and then after a physical examination on the same day a core biopsy.
No one said to me not to worry and I got the distinct impression that they already knew I had BC.
The doc who did the core biopsy was the person who read the mammograms so I think they were pretty sure from the start.
It’s easy to say ‘Don’t worry’ but not easy to do.
Keep posting on here with your questions and worries. This forum is brilliant there’s always someone who’s been there and done it. you only have to ask.
I hope it isn’t too long before you get your results as Al says it’s the hardest part.
Keep us posted. Fingers crossed.

Love and hugs

Jan xxx

just wanted to add my support and hope for a good outcome - the waiting is horrid- I was very lucky to have my results within a few days. I can’t remember anyone saying don’t worry but neither did they say this might be bc - because I didn’t ask I think - I don’t know what I was thinking really -I was so relieved to have the core biopsy done as the idea of having that was scaring me that I didn’t think to say,what might it be. I was told that there were calcifications on the mammo - I suspect that the consultant radiographer probably knew what was there. I went home and looked up calcifications on the internet as I had no clue which then led me to DCIS. When I went for my results I was expecting to see the radiographer again and was rather shocked to meet the consultant surgeon who told me that they’d found DCIS and invasive ductal carcinoma. Lots of luck to you - try not to think too far ahead of yourself -easily said of course. xx

Good luck with your results. I too went to see the specialist today who did a fine needle biopsy today & as it was the private hosptal he said he would ring me this afternoon with the results. I have been sitting over my phone all afternoon waiting to hear. It is now 4.40pm and nothing so I am thinking perhaps he will not phone. Not sure why they would say they would & then not.

Also booked for an ultrasound in a couple of weeks to give it a chance to settle back down he said. It all sounds a bit backwards.

I know how hard it is to be waiting & I am thinking of everyone else in the same position not to mention those people who do know. It is so strange. Us girls are tough though so keep strong everyone.

Hi all
My BC was picked up on a routine mammogram so I had no idea I had a problem. Went for the 2nd mammogram mid July, followed by an ultrasound and core biopsy. The Doctors can get a lot of information just from these procedures such as size and position in relation to the milk ducts. This gives a good idea whether it is likely to be cancer or not. What they cannot say is how fast or slow it is growing until both the core biopsy and lymph gland nodes have been examined.
I got the results a week later and it showed a Grade 2(meaning not too fast or slow), 8mm Invasive Ductal Cancer. The WLE 2 weeks later confirmed this and the Sentinal Node Biopsy was clear.
I had 15 sessions of “microwaving” which I finished 1 week ago and am on Femara as I am 64 and well past the menopause.
I still have some blue from the SNB and will be a bit sad when it goes. It has become a family joke as I made my husband a birthday card with a picture of a blue tit. If you need Radiotherapy, it,s not as bad as you imagine. I did complain though as I was promised 2 small tattoos but they are rubbishy little dots. I was hoping for something like a rose or butterfly.

It is a scary journey that we all go through, some have more to contend with than I had, but it is manageable. Talk to people, laugh, cry, scream, write on the forum and most of all “listen to yor body” and be kind to it whatever the outcome.
LOL and hugs

hi all, thanks for all your reply’s and support.

2 weeks is so long! if there was anything wrong surely they would contact me prior to my follow up appointment?

I just keep thinking why do a core biopsy after the ultrasound? is this normal? prior to the ultra sound on the same day the consultant did something with a very fine needle and confirmed it was not a cyst (sorry dont know what it was he did?) thats when he sent me for the ultrasound and the doctor decided to do the core biopsy then.

I just cant stop thinking about it, whats the best way to try and put it to the back of your mind? it doesnt really help at moment as i now have flu, so feeling dreadfull and obviously i cant do anything to keep my mind of it


am so sorry you are feeling so anxious,and with flu on top :frowning:
I think the core biopsy is quite usual - I’m thinking that the fine needle thing rules out a cyst,but the core biopsy takes snippets of cells rather than fluid to test and therefore they can tell whether there are cancer cells present. I think they will wait until your appointment and wouldn’t ring with either good or bad news so it’s a question of hanging on in there - not nice but you can do it. Unless you are good at blotting out stuff I think it’s realistically quite hard not to think-it’s human nature…but try not to think ahead of yourself,it won’t help and can make no difference…be kind to yourself xx

Hi mrss
All the tests that you have had a perfectly normal. The needle is done to see if the lump is a cyst ie fluid. The ultrasound is done to show exactly where the lump is and the core biopsy is done to find out what the lump actually is. This is scary and seems to be a lot of tests all at once but it is better altogether rather than having to go more than once.
You will worry and feel anxious but try to think one day at a time. Do you have family who can spoil you? Try and plan something for each day, NOT work but a treat, soaking in the bath, having some chocolate etc etc. This is one time in your life when diets and sensible eating should be forgotten. Concentrate on getting over the flu so that you will be OK when you get your results.
LOL and hugs

Hi all, when i was diagnosed with BC they told me the same day from the results of the fine needle aspirite but still had to wait 2 weeks for biopsy results before i could be booked in for surgery, think everyone is different tho!!


hi, i think the fine needle aspiration takes cells in the biopsy and the core biopsy takes actual tissue. i think the core biopsy is the more accurate one because they can look at the bigger picture.
hope it goes well for you.

Morning all

I went to my own doctor who referred me to the breast clinic. I waited a week for an appointment, had mammogram/unltrasound and core biopsy all done on that day. Had to wait another week for results (kept telling myself it was just cysts to be drained - more fool me)I was then diagnosed with DCIS, Invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma.Then had to wait 2 weeks to see pastic surgeon to dicuss immediate recon which I have changed my mind about. Surgery now scheduled for Thursday 29/10/09 so just ‘3 sleeps to go’. I am having RB mastectomy as my lump is too large for a lumpectomy and is attached to the nipple. I have sat about for 1 month since being diagnosed to reach this point and I can’t help thinking that every minute the treatment is delayed the cancer is growing and spreading in me. The waiting is horrific and your imagination can run riot!

I know it sound cliche but really try and keep busy - I have cleared out cupboards, went shopping, had a ‘duvet’ day with the kids where we watched dvd’s and ate junk (it was great!) and guess what - no ironing left to do, not the most exciting but it kept me busy.

Stay strong and stay in touch via this forum - the support and advice you get are invaluable

Love,hugs and courage to all.



As the other posters have said do try not to worry (so easily said and so very difficult to do).

I would add though that DO ask questions of your doctor, consultant or macmillan nurses at the hospital (not sure what’s available to you where you are). I have found during my journey that I think of more questions after the consultation and then worry about them… but find someone to ask. I don’t know if you need a mammogram and they might have all the info they need from the ultrasound and biopsy but again, ask them.

For me, I’ve worried about things and then talked it through with a professional to work out that perhaps I’ve over-thought an issue and panicked over nothing… then I can sleep!

Do take lots of care and good luck with the results


Hi everyone, thanks for all your replies.

Had letter from hospital today and got a follow up appointment on 11th November to get the results (3 weeks) i called them to see if they had the results now but they said it was standard to wait 3 weeks because they are that busy and they wont give out my results over the phone i just had to wait for the appointment.

So nothing more i can do now except wait x