Was at the hosptil for 9 hours!!! On my own with no money!!! Great start to the first one eh.
Had to wait 2 hours after my bloods till 11.00 appoint was 9.15 and got there at 8.30 to get bloods done early
The nurse blew a vein at first (the vein i recommended as usually a good one or it was last time I had chemo!!!) but then she got it right. Iwas on saline drip till about quarter past 1. Had cold cap fitted and for the first half an hour was really going to give up. instand head ache. Too cold, heavy and hurt under my chin where the strap was. Was given chemo drugs no problems. Had to keep the cold cap on for another 2 hours but by this stage it had become bearable so I put up with it. Took it off and went home. So left home at 7.55 in the morning and walked back in the house at 5.15.
Went back to work today all day and managed okay. Going to work as much as I can as I don’t get sick pay.
Feel okay, no sickness at all. No constipation yet (which I did have last time). No aches or pains, no tired. Just a horrid taste in my mouth which feels like I have forgotten to brush my teeth. How long does this last and what helps it to go. Next FEC chemo Tuesday after Easter as they are closed Easter Monday.
So so far so good. But I wasn’t really that ill when i had chemo 6 years ago.
So 1 down 5 more to go. Not that i am counting or anything.
Just thought I would share with you.