Had my op!

Hello again everyone! Well I had my op on 22 July - lumpectomy plus samples of lymph glands under arm. Was only in for 48 hours - today is day 3 and darling hubby removed my dressings this morning. That was a challenge I can tell you. Part of the dressing had stuck to my nipple (eewww that made me sweat). Scars look as good as they can I suppose. Now have to wait 1-2 weeks for pathology which will determine whether I have chemo or radiotherapy. This could be my chance to have the flowing locks I have never had the patience to grow or I may opt for the Sinead O’Connor look and stick some jewells to my head!! Watch this space :slight_smile: xx

Hi javelin,
Glad to here you are doing ok!, i to had a wle and lymph node removal, back in March, i am 12 days post 4th FEC and the time has flown by, i hope the time flies by for you to.
Keep us posted, hope you get good results from your lymph node samples, i had 2 nodes which were positive for cancer, and as i am 45 was offered chemo then 15 rads, so i said, i will have everything possible to make sure i stay cancer free.
Hope you recover quickly from the surgery.
Take care Sandrae x x x

Glad your op went well and your home and hopefully getting pampered and recovering . The waiting game again is awful as you wait results again i do hope everything clear with your nodes . I had a full node clearence and thankfully they were all clear . I am having chemo though and iam now on FEC no 5 ( nearly finished ) and its flown by sl quick i cant believe it . let us know how ou get on and your treatment plan we are all here for help and advice xxxxx take care

Hello again everyone. Well, I had pathology results yesterday. Some good news, some not so good. First the good - there are clear margins on the lumpectomy and clear results from the lymph node sampling. Hooray I hear you shouting … BUT … they have recommended chemotherapy to be on the safe side, followed by radiotherapy to affected breast. Obviously very relieved to know the little bugger hadn’t migrated but fairly terrified by the thought of the chemo :frowning:

Armpit was quite swollen despite regular exercises but with breast care nurse’s support, I am now gently massaging the area twice daily with Superdrug’s version of Bio Oil. What a difference its made - might be coincidence but what the hell, whatever works!!

I’ll keep you updated with news of when/where/what as regards the chemo. All good wishes xx