had my recall and biopsy - some questions

Hi all, my first post ( I have also posted on ask the nurse) . I had a mammogram 3 march , I had recd a letter asking if I wanted to be part of trial extended to younger and older woman. I went along had the Mammo (age 46 just turned 47) just under 2 weeks later got the letter asking me to go back to main hospital breast clinc . Had the appointment yday , something tiny in rt breast , more mammos , then ultrasound , during ultrasound looked like 2 tiny circles.lovely consultant said sometimes with a biopsy these just disappear , I guess pop ? Anyway she thinks they did , results from biopsy next week. Still scared , wondering if this is common , have others had , what could it be , am praying not sinister . Thanks for any advice x

Hi Sam
Well, its a good thing you were on the trial, as whatever it is can now be sorted out.
This situation is quite common & mostly it is not bc, however, on the off chance it is, then it looks like it would be an early diagnosis which is very treatable, with most women in this situation going onto make a full recovery.
I had an early diagnosis picked up by screening, now treated & out the other side. So glad I went for that mammo.
Being anxious is quite normal when waiting for results, so carrying on as normal & distracting yourself can be helpful.
If you want to, let us know what happens.
ann x

Hi all, thought I would post an update in the hope it might help someone, I have read quite a few first posts but then no update. I understand that maybe ladies don’t want to post or all is well so they don’t come back. But I thought this may be useful to someone one day. So I went along fir a mammogram as part of the trial extended to younger and older women. Just under two weeks later I rec’d a recall, then 4 awful waiting days. Appointment day , more mammograms, ultrasound and then a biopsy which seemed to pop which I have now had confirmed was 2 tiny cysts together. Consultant told me at this time she thought would be positive news but needed biopsy to confirm. Returned this Tuesday and confirmed all is well. Sending hugs to all , those waiting , those diagnosed and those going thru treatment. I dealt with the waiting by keeping busy and kalms helped me sleep. Xx

Great news, Sam & thanks for posting.
ann x