had seroma drained twice , i have severe pain

i had a wle 13 days ago, over the last few days i had a real build up of fluid under my arm, i had it drained thursay and it filled again, i have had it drained again this morning at the breast clinic and she got half a pint of fluid, i am now n pain it feels vey tight around my scar and left breast, i am trying with my exercises but i feel so tight, is there anything i can rub round my scar i woud appreciate any advice please
galen x

Hi galen.

I needed mine draining 4 times before it settled. first time it was nearly as big as my boob they had removed and quite uncomfortable. It seems to quite a common thing. However i don’t think you should be in pain and certainly not so soon. it would be worth ringing the breast clinic and having a word with them.

good luck


Hi Galen
I have a terrible feeling of tightness which sometimes feels worse than at other times esp when I move my affected arm in a particular position it almost feels like a spasm or something. I wonder if it’s the fluid moving around and making me feel so uncomfortable. I have various other unpleasant feelings/sensations such as burning on the underneath of my arm from elbow to under arm. you are not alone and you must keep up the exercises as they really do help and make a difference. My operation was nearly 3 weeks ago and I have found that the walking up the wall exercise with your fingers has made a huge difference to my movement.
Good luck
Rebz x

Hi Rebz

I am nearly 10 weeks post op and still have various unpleasant feelings/sensations such as severe pins and needles under my arm to the elbow also in my shoulder, went to my gp and he has given me some tablets to see if they help carbi something, but so far no such luck, it is worse when I go to bed as I don’t know where to put my arm for comfort, and at present I’m having rads and when my arm is in the rest thingy it actually feels best of all coz theres nothing touching it. Still doing exercises in the hope it will get better.


Hi Heather

I wish it was summer time (a) because we all love summer and (b) because I can’t wear anything that touches the underneath of my arm I have to wear sleeveless clothes otherwise they hurt and it’s too cold for that right now. I guess it’s something we just have to put up with. I’m still doing the exercises and really pushing myself. Now got an appointment with the physio for next week so maybe she’ll be able to give me some advice. I know what you mean about not knowing where to put your arm. I find the coldness of the sheets is good temporarily until they warm up.

Rebz x

Hi Rebz

Exactly then the sheet warms up and your looking for another bit!! I’m undergoing rads at moment and my skin if it sees a tiny bit of sunshine burns, so I know have a big red square, radiologist lady said the best thing for that was to walk around in the nude.(lol) So now I have a double whammy, arm that can’t bear anything on it and chest area doing the same. Still hopefully it wont take to long to clear up after the rads finish. They gave me some different cream for it today which is great for about an hour than it starts again and I can only use the cream twice a day.

Heather x

Hi Heather
So it’s not only me that’s feeling like this. If I could turn up the central heating high and walk around the house naked that would be cool but really it’s not practical! Sorry to hear that you now have to deal with two areas of burning - that’s really unpleasant. I had my herceptin today and spoke to the chemo nurses about the burning. They told me I could take both paracetamol and nurofen together and that should help. I may try it if I get another restless night due to the pain. I have read that some ladies put their cream in the fridge by the way and it’s even more soothing when they use it so maybe you could try that?

Galen how are you doing today? Hope things are better for you.

Rebz xx

hi there
thank you for your replies, is not too bad at the moment, i am back at the breast clinic at 4pm this afternoon for the results of my op so i will probably need draining again, it fels weird on the inside of my arm and i cannot stand anything rubbing !! i am trying to keep up with the exercises but will have to do better i think ive been a bit of a wimp,
will let you know how i get on this afternoon
love galen xxx


I have just spotted your “email thread”. I had a similar problem to you after my WLE. I had to have the fluid drained 3 times, and loads of fluid came out and I found it quite painful to lift my arm for a while. I remember starting to panic that it wouldn’t settle down and I would be spending the rest of my life at the “drain clinic”. I want to reassure you that it does settle down after a while. I was told by the Breast Cancer Nurse that some fluid has to build up as each time it is drained the body thinks “ok, I will up with further fluid now”. Apparently, after a while the body absorbs the fluid build up and learns to find another way of dealing with the liquid.

Looking forward to hearing how you got on this afternoon.

Take care, Pauline

Hi Galen

How did it go at the clinic?

Cecelia. x

hi there
I had to have my seroma drained again ! and over the weekend it has filled up again i am trying to last it out again but if it gets bad i will go and have it drained again, my results were great they could not find any more trace of the tiumour, i had 2 lymph nodes ivolved but all that is left is scarring, i am having 20 sessions of radsin january, i go for my planning tomorrow, how are you getting on ?
love galen x

Hi Galen

So sorry you are having trouble with your fluid build up. Mine has gone right down and seems to be sortingitself out now. But my cording is still pretty bad, I’m seeing the physio later today.

That’s great news regarding your tumour! I’m so pleased for you.

I have my rads planning on Wednesday this week, I think they said 15 sessions, starting 7th Jan.

Cecelia. x

hi cecelia,
Glad your fluid has settled down !! i have cording to both my arms but is much worse on my left arm where i had my op, i didnt mention it thursday , should i wait and see if it settles down or does it need physio ?. I saw a friend testerday in town i havent seen for ages a she gave my arm a big rub before she walked away , i felt like passing out but i was trying to say bye with a smile on my face !! my neighbour had rads and assures me its ok, i have a 45mile round trip to the hospital i think thats the worst part .
love galen xx

Hi Galen

I know what you mean, I friend of mine, a boy so pretty strong, gave me a “rub” on the arm the other day. Thought I was going to faint! I just grimaced!

Cording will settle down on it’s own I hear, it’s just they told me that they wouldn’t put my rads in until it was sorted but as I say, turns out they’ve put it in anyway.

How are you doing with the exercises? if you can bear them then carry on and hopefully you’ll be able to sort it.

Everything else OK?

Cecelia. x

Hi Galen

I also have had a build up of fluid which I have had drained, the second time was yesterday. I was told that I would not be able to have it drained a third time as it may cause infection, which it already has. I am due my first chemo next week which will have to be postponed if the infection hasn’t gone.

I was told by the doctor not to lift my arm above shoulder high as this would cause more fluid. I have to rest my arm as much as possible and to hold it as if in a sling, and only do the exercises I was told to do when I had the drain in.

If I were you I would check with your surgeon or BC Nurse before you continue with the exercises. Also ask them to check your breast for infection. Mine feels tight, is swollen, slightly pink around the scar and slightly warm to the touch. Don’t be afraid to contact them, that is what they are there for.

Good luck
