Hi All
Sorry its taken me so long to come back and post, but been having real trouble logging onto this site.
I had my mastectomy and back flap reconstruction just over 2 weeks ago and to say I am over the moon with it is an understatement!
I woke up from the anesthetic and actually thought that he hadnt done it! I was convinced that he had opened me up, found something awful and just stitched me back up again. I kept my nipple so that was a big plus, but I’m not exaggerating when I say you would NEVER guess that I had had a mastectomy!
I am still a bit sore, but that may be due to the fact that I have stopped all painkillers. I have a scar under my arm going down my side and I am due to start radiotherapy on 26th September.
Does anyone know what sort of bras I should be wearing- somebody told me I should no longer wear underwire ones and I forgot to ask- so far I have just been wearing the vest tops with the built in support.
Oh, and another thing- most people that I have spoken to have not been offered reconstruction until after radiotherapy- dow anyone know why I was offered it first- would it be to do with my age? (34 when diagnosed) My Oncologist has told me that the radiotherapy may change the shape of the implant but not to worry- they could sort that out afterwards and he also told me that the surgeon will most probably over inflate the implant prior to surgery to allow for the shrinkage that the radiotherapy will create.
Thankyou all for your support and the answering of my endless questions prior to surgery
Roz and Dilys- you were absolutely right about the removal of the drains and it was absolutely fine (I had 3)
Wendy and Alison- thanks for your posts and concern and Michele- am taking your advice about the vitamin e and listening to your body!
Take care all
Hi Katy
Lovely to have you back… I had been thinking about you loads.
I am absolutely thrilled for you about your recon - it sounds like it went very well. Have you had your histology results yet? I know you said the lump had shrunk down to hardly anything. Did they take any lymph nodes.
I was told that underwired bras can restrict the lymph flow from the breast so they recommend no underwire - it’s quite difficult to get nice non underwired bras though - but it would depend on your size. I know you wouldn’t need it but somewhere like a mastectomy bra shop (Nicola Jane for instance) have nice styles that have no wires - otherwise I would just go and get yourself fitted properly at a good department store.
I started my radiotherapy last week - so far it’s a doddle, but I know its early days. I’ve got 4 full weeks left so I am expecting to be quite tired by the end of it. If not from the Rads from the driving over to Portsmouth and back every day! I’ve been told to smother the area in Aqueous cream - apparently it keeps the skin soft, and helps it recover from the Rads. I’ve bought a small bucket(!) of it to keep me going. Before the rads started I was also using Bio-oil - which I think was really helping the scarring.
So glad you sound so well.
Love and Hugs
Wendy xoxoxox
Hi Katy, so glad your happy with it, as for bra’s, well i could stand the sports bra’s no longer after 4 weeks, so am back in my old bra’s (which are underwired) i make sure that i take them off asap and go at least two days without during the week, the bra’s fit fine, but its the muscle under the arm that is the problem, would love to know where to get a bra that fitted really well, am considering getting a bigger back size and the same cup size as i find i get a ridge where the wires are! and i do love me padded bra’s!
lot of love
Alison xxxxxxxxx
Wendy- I have had my histology results- they removed 8mm of cancer and think they have got it all. My lymph nodes were clear which is what they had been expecting. Just got 5 weeks worth of radiotherapy now. The surgeon will do the other side for me next year. They are also going to give me chest xrays every 6 months to check the lung spots. The oncologist told me that although they think they are okay and were already there pre cancer, they need to keep an eye on them now that they know they are there. How are your eyebrows and eyelashes doing? mine are still non existant.
I am planning on returning to work on 20th september- I only work thursdays and fridays so it should be bearable. I’ve also booked us a weekend in Pontins in Great Yarmouth on 31st august half board so am looking forward to that- at least the kids will be able to say they have had some sort of holiday this year.
Alison- I brought some pretty non underwired bras from tescos today and found them to be a lot more comfortable. As I said before, I have been wearing the vests with the fitted suppprt but I wore a bra for 2 days this week that was underwired and it was dead uncomfortable- I thought it was maybe where I was still slightly swollen, but i think I am going to start replacing all of my bra drawer with non underwired ones.
A funny thing happened when I was in hospital- I didnt actually realise that I would wake up with a catheter in and I had to phone my husband in a panic and tell him to bring me in some big knickers as I had only packed thongs-ha! Also, I was absolutley mortified this week as I was in a shoe shop trying on some pretty flip flops when I saw something shoot across the floor. I thought something had pinged off my bag, but on closer inspection, I realised it was my big toe nail complete with pretty polish (I have been slowly losing all my nails from the taxotere) I was soooooooooo embarrassed!!! I didnt even pick it up, as I didnt want to draw attention to it, I just walked out of the shop very briskly feeling mortified and leaving my poor toe nail lying on the floor- urrgghhhh gross! ha!
take care- speak to you soon
Oh Katy, i know its not funny, but the thought of a toe nail lying on the floor in a shoe shop! lol
Alison xxxx
Am NEVER going back in that shop ever again!!! For hours, I had visions of them studying CCTV cameras to see who the culprit was- my mate made me feel worse as she said some poor little toddler might find it and start chewing on it!
I think that may go down on record as one of the most awful embarrassing experiences of my whole life- Ha!
not sure i am going to stay on this chair for much longer, can’t stop laughing, oh Katy, you are so funny the way you tell it lol
Alison xxxx
okay alison- am on a roll now!!! The other thing that made me crack up was that before my surgery, I was sent a copy of the letter that the surgeon sent to my GP and it said “I saw this lady today and she has grade 1 ptosis…” Well, I googled the word ptosis and it means droopy eyes. I stared in the mirror for a good hour thinking “I havent got droopy eyes- cheeky sod!” I kept staring and being paranoid and when my husband came in from work, the first thing I said to him is “Have I got droopy eyes?” anyway, after a couple of hours of bristling and deciding that I definitely DID NOT have droopy eyes, I googled grade 1 ptosis and got up the correct translation and its all to do with the placement of your nipples- me and hubby both cracked up over that one!!! This cancer lark has definitley been a learning curve!
Hi Katy,
I have just read your post and you sound so upbeat that it has given me confidence for my mastectomy and back flap due on 11 Sep. Alison has already given me some good tips but I will remember to leave the thongs at home and buy some BIG KNICKERS!!!
What kind of implant did you have? I had my radio and chemo 4 years ago but now have DCIS so surgeon says he has ordered a couple of types, one inflatatble and one not and will decided on the operating table. Can’t keep my nipple though.
You mention vitamin E - is that cream or tablet?? I think I will pop anything I can that will help - did anyone use Anica for bruising as well?
Sarah x
Hi Sarah,
I had the tissue expander implant and was expecting to wake up with it flat and ready to be inflated! However, the surgeon must have put a load of saline in it whilst operating so it was nice and big. Now the swelling has gone gown it is very slightly smaller than the other one, but only on close inspection. Honestly, I LOVE it and you definitley won’t be disappoiunted. I still can’t beleive that I have had a mastectomy as you would so never guess. I have a friend who lives locally that is having her mastectomy tomorrow and I was so impressed with my results and so wanted to reassure her,that I got an old lady in the bed opposite to me in the hospital to take a picture of my boob on my phone so I could text her a photo of it- poor lady was too shocked to say no I think and I’m usually such a prude-ha!
The vitamin E tablets come from the health shop and promote healing.
Good luck for your op and dont worry- you will be soo impressed that you will want to show everyone your new boob just like I did- Ha!
Take Care
Hello, Lily. I am new, but I’d just like to say how pleased I am for you!
All the best.
Hi Katy
I’ve just found your message and this is the first time I’ve laughed in about three weeks. I admire you for retaining your sense of humour while all of this horrible stuff is going on. I’m about to start chemo then will be having the skin saver mastectomy with LD flap early next year so your post has really set my mind at ease. THANKS!!
Good luck Sarah with your operation on the 11th (I used Arnica (both pills and cream)) for my first two operations and the bruising went down really quickly. I’m also taking vitamin A and Zinc for healing.
Elizabeth x
Hi Girls,
Thanks for all your tips, sounds like I will be taking all the vitamins from A-Z!!! Joking aside will do anything to help me recover as quick as possible. Just spent 9 hours solid at Legoland with 6 seven year olds and feel knackered so at least will be able to put my feet up for a few weeks soon and let my husband take over.
Off to the health shop first thing in the morning.
Sarah x
Hi there girls
Just logged on and decided to join the discussion. I am due to have an LD flap recon with implant the week after next. Feeling apprehensive (i was diagnosed in Feb, have had two lumpectomies and chemo so I’ve had a long time to think about it!) but I now feel I just have to stop worrying myself crazy and hope it all goes ok. I’m having radio after the surgery too and concerned about the effects of that on the recon. i think they are going to stretch it over a longer period of time to lessen the damage but still worried about getting a capsule around the implant. anyone any tips?
I notice some of you talking about vitamin E. I dont know if that is external or internal but I Just want to let you know that you have to be careful with taking vitamin E before surgery as it may increase your risk of bleeding. You should stop it 2 weeks before surgery or at least keep it to 200 iu per day if you are taking it. Also fish oils can prolong bleeding time as can garlic, gingkgo, ginseng. Also herbs such as st john’s wort, kava, and valerian may interfere with anaethestic.
I hope this is of some help and wish you all the best