had to go in hospital...

couldn’t have herceptin on friday as temp 38.5 had blood taken then came homegot a call yesterdayhadto go to local a e to be admitted i have an infction in my line on intravenous antibiotics really down as i feel i am never going to start herceptin weepy today sun shining for first time in months atleastgot internet on patient line but tricky to use sick of hospitalssick of breastcanceronot my happy self today at all hope you all having a better daylove eileen

Hi Eileen
Stick with it, things will change.

I was admitted twice whilst on chemo, once to my local hospital and then once to the specialist cancer hospital in Sheffield as it was the weekend.

I was so upset too as when I was taken in on the weekend, that hospital don’t like children under 12 to go as there are a lot of poorly people there, and I don’t consider myself poorly!!!
So I didn’t see my children for a few days, I could just speak to them on the phone, which isn’t the same, plus I was 25 miles away from them.

I know what you mean about sick of hospitals, you never seem to be away from them do you??
But they will make everything better on no time, and you will be enjoying the sunshine too.

Take care


Oh Eileen. Sorry you are feeling rubbish.
Won’t be long I’m sure before you are out and about again. Good job you can still post on here from your bed - at least you can moan to us!!
Look after yourself
Sending get well hugs

I’m really not doing very well here. (I’ve still definitely got chemo brain). I started a new thread before I noticed this one. So sorry to hear you’re in hospital Eileen. I do hope you’ll soon be feeling better.

Love Anthi x

Hi Eileen,

so sorry to hear you are feeling poo at the mo. I wish you a v.speedy recovery and start to Heceptin,

Take care eileen,


Hope you are feeling better soon eileen, so sorry to hear about your admission but you are strong and you will get throughjust like you have helped all of us on this site get through when we have had our bad days. Look after yourself and remember you have still got the indian summer they are promising us to get out in that sun and recuperate. All my thoughts are with you, love christina xxx

Thinking of you and hoping your soon feeling better.
Awful when the treatments are delayed but i am sure the herceptin will start soon.


Home now and want to thank you all for the lovely messages. Couldn’t reply sooner as the internet on the patientline froze. My onc says I can still have herceptin on Friday so thats good although I will still be on antibiotics. Don’t know what I’d do without you all Eileen

Thats great news about the Herceptin Eileen, let us know how you get on on Friday,
