Had WLE and lymph nodes removed last week


Have sent you a PM saying much the same as Deb says here. I think it would be quite unusual to be finished with your rads quite that quickly ( although different areas/health authorities seem to vary a lot!)

I was quite surprised when they said I didn’t need chemo and questionned their decision. They do use a computer programme (there is a link to a similar one on one of the threads on this site), but as well as that they have a big team meeting with consultants/surgeon/oncs/nurse etc. and they all come to an agreement as to what is best for you.Well that’s what I was told anyway !!

Em and Deb, great that you 2 can meet up. Wish I could find somebody on here from my area…!

Good luck with your results everybody

Anna x

I’ve just been reading through this thread and it is good to read about others who are going through the same things as me.
I had WLE on September 2nd and they found cancer in one of my lymph nodes. I am due for axillary clearance on October 8th probably a two day hospital stay. I can’t pretend that I’m not frightened by the whole experience especially as I ended up in A@E at the weekend with a wound infection which is having to be drained and dressed everyday. I am still waiting to know what my future treatment will be. I am terrified at the thought I might have to have chemo.

Hi missm,

I have put for you below the link to BCC’s publication regarding chemotherapy which I hope will take away some of the fear you are feeling at the moment. Please do phone the helpline if you need to talk about this, the staff here will be only too happy to talk to you and explain more about what happens if you have chemotherapy. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000.


Take care,kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Thank you for the link

Hi missm

Sorry to hear that you are in the same boat as all of us on here. It is scary, but the surgeons and oncologists really do know what they are doing and you are in good hands. Like you I had WLE and then had to go back for Axilliary node clearance after finding one lymph node had been affected. Its not nice to have to go through surgery again, especially when you think that part is all over! I had mine done on September 11th, the first few days the area seems very numb, even down the back of the arm, it becomes a bit painful once the numbness goes, but one and half weeks after my 2nd op and Im starting to feel a bit better, it does take longer 2nd time around, just be aware of that.

I hope all goes well for you and please keep in touch.

Deb x


Hope all feeling not too bad today and treatments going well.

Deb - thanks for the info. I spoke to nurse yesterday and she said it would be at least 4 weeks after op before rads start. Effects from rads would start to kick in on 2nd week and last possibly for 2 weeks after finish treatment. Not sure about being back at work but back to hospital today for results so hopefully things will be clearer then.


Hi Cme
I went through what you are experiencing this time last year so perhaps my experience will be helpful to you - I hope so anyway.
I too had SNB and WLE and was told I’d probably just need rads afterwards. Unfortunately the sentinel node had cancer cells in it so I had to have a level 3 (deep) axillary clearance; this proved to be a bit of a bummer as they then found no other nodes were affected. However the cancer was Grade 3, Stage 3 so I had to have 3 xFEC and 3xTax plus 15 rads. I started chemo 4 weeks after the 2nd surgery & finished rads in Jan of this year.
Post-operatively I had a wound infection (very common if you have 2 lots of surgery in 3 weeks) and I also had several bouts of cellulitis. but eventually it all cleared up leaving me with a not-very -pretty 5’’ scar. I didn’t have much pain at all but did have a lot of underarm numbness and feeling of bulkiness and strangeness which persisted for many months. However it is definitely a lot better now- though i think some of the feeling has gone for ever because of damage to the nerves.
I have started to swim again and try to exercise as much as poss. (I’m in my 60s) I’m on Arimidex …and feeling pretty good apart from the hot flushes and disturbed sleep!

Hi topsymo,

Thanks for sharing your story.The first half is exactly what I have had…just waiting now until next tuesday for the results of the axilliary node clearance. Im glad your are feeling better and doing well.


Hi Topsymo
Thank you for letting me into your experiences, I have an appointment tomorrow to see consultant, a little concerned about what he might say as he told me after the op that they had found what he considered was lymph nodes that were cancerous, I’m hoping because of this he would of cleared them then rather than wait for results to come back,or am I just being hopeful that I won’t need another op. I will I suppose for the next few years live in hope, that once this has gone that it doesn’t come back. Did you see the programme the other evening with Dawn Porter,My Breast Could Kill Me, was quite interesting but was a little peeved that they only centred on ladies who were dyeing rather than showing that a lot of women survive BC. It gave my husband and I plenty to chat about though afterwards, which wasn’t a bad thing as I’ve found he does try and avoid chatting to me about it all,don’t get me wrong he is supportive just doesn’t like talking about it. I was 50 this year and would of been having my first mammogram but not till later in the year cause it goes alphabetically and my surname starts with W so it would of been a while before it was found thank goodness I examine my boobs regularly.
Glad to here you are on the mend now, I know I will get there as they say just takes time. Hugs Carole x

Hi again Carole

It’s so hard not to worry about results appointments - I wn in quite hopeful and heard stuff I did not want to know - but you do deal with it. the surgeons have agood idea when they see nodes but will not confirm until they are tested.
My friend mum is going in for a MX and SNB tomorrow at darenth Valley hospital in Dartford, Kent - they actually test the nodes removed while you are having the op and do the ANC if they are positive - that seems good - only have to wait for one more result then and no second op. My surgeon could not send of my nodes for 4 days because they were still ‘hot’ and the pathologists will not handle them until the radiation has subsided so the paths at Darenth are as brave as our surgeons in handling the slight rads.

I do hope your nodes are clear - but if not - you will deal with it honey. The second op was ok and I had quite good movement in my arm afterwards - the rest of my nodes were clear - my surgeon hinted that they did not look terriby diseased but still had to wait a week for confirmation. It is all more time added on and then more treatment but please know that we are all here for you and we will keep posting to suport each other. Thinking of you Lyn x

Hi all

Carole - hope things go well at appt tomorrow. Just have to remember to take one step at a time. Everyone, doctors, nurses etc. want you to have the best treatment to help you which can only be a good thing.

I went back to hospital yesterday for results. Lymph nodes clear - good. Was then expecting to be booked in for rads. However came away with two uncertain matters. 1 - may need further surgery as did not have 2mm margin around lump. Only 1 mm margin because of location and would have meant cutting skin or muscle. Multi discipline team meet next Monday when decision will be made whether 1mm ok or need further surgery. Hopefully not.

Second matter is that I am awaiting appt to see oncologist, probably early Oct and due to my young age!, I am 45, and because I have some cancer cells in the blood vessels, the consultant said chemo may be needed. This is the first time chemo has been mentioned, although breast care nurse in clinic said she would have always said to me it was a possibility because of my age i.e. young. So have to wait now till hear whether further surgery needed and whether need chemo or just rads. If chemo is needed I know it is only to give me the best possible treatment but I just feel everything is up in the air again. Getting used to this.

Hope everyone is doing Ok. One step at a time and we will all get through this.


Hi Annie,

Sorry to hear about the uncertainty of your hospital appointment yesterday. At least your nodes are clear…thats really good news.

Also really glad to hear that you think 45 is young!, thats my age too. Im counting the days down til my next results day, Tuesday, will then find out if any more nodes are positive…one was positive on SNB, they took two. The waiting is horrible isnt it, but at least it does give the body time to heal physically, inbetween all the psychological stuff going on.

Let us know the result of Mondays meeting. Take care.

Deb x

Hi All
Good news (for once) the consultant said my lymph nodes were clear and everything was cut out successfully, although because it was so aggressive apparently I can’t take Tamoxifen or any other drug as it wouldn’t do any good so chemo is the only way to make sure that no stray cell have gone walkabouts, so now have appointment for next Wednesday to see oncologist. My husband is jumping for joy so are my kids and friends but for some reason I’m not, either its not sunk in or the fact I’m still having to have treatment I don’t know I’m more thinking don’t count your chickens, silly I know but you can’t help the way you feel, I suppose I wont feel happy until someone says your cured.
Hope everyone else is ok
Love and Hugs all round Carole xx

Hi all

Annie - sorry to hear you had mixed results - and uncertain about further surgery/treatment let us know how you get on Monday.Thinking of you.

Carole it is good news that your lympths were clear but I know that part of you just wants to say - ‘That’s it now - it’s cut out and I want to get on with my life’ - it’s still not acceptable to hear that you need chemo or more treatment. You just want to put it all behind you. It takes time to consider and accept that it is right for you to have the treatment and it sound like you are triple neg? -then chemo is the only option they offer.
There have been other triple neg threads on here which may help you. Love to you all Lyn

Hi Lyn
Thanks for your reply I find this triple negative suggestion very interesting as after reading about it find it makes sense of what the consultant had said, but why did he not explain to me at the time, perhaps I didn’t ask the right questions, but will be asking the oncologist on Wednesday when I go. I’m grateful to you bringing it to my attention. hope you are feeling well. Carole xx

Hi ladies - Had my WLE and SNB on Wednesday (as mentioned at the top of this thread) and I did manage to come out the same day, as I had hoped, with no drain. They only took one node, which they tested at the time, and said was clear, but I later learned from the BCN that they test the other half of it in the lab just to make sure. Results in two weeks.

I wanted to ask how much bruising you all had. I look as if I have been in a terrible accident. Is it just me? The darkest part under my arm is a real beetroot colour. I was told to take the dressing off after five days, which is tomorrow. Dread to think what I shall find! It seems a lot under the arm, considering they only took one node.

My other question is, how many of you have started anti-hormone treatment before radiotherapy? My surgeon said they do it the other way round.

Ann x

Hi, I was started on Tamox when I was given my lab results 2 weeks after surgery. So I will be on my 2nd month of tamox when I start rads this October. Each hospital appears different.

HI Ann

I was about the same as Jellylegs. Have now been on Tamoxifen since sept 9th (op was 21st Aug). Rads planning is today.Still not sure when the actual rads will start, but of course I will know by this evening!

Have PMed you about this too !

Take care

Anna x

Just thought I’d say about bruising- yup I had loads proper dark red bruising and most other colours too. The bottom of my boob was totally covered in bruise and under my arm a bit and some more on top of boob. 2 weeks on and still bruised but the colour has gone down a lot although still swollen and bumpy and the thought of wearing a wired bra scares me still. Thankfully I found some quite supportive crop tops and they’re only tesco value ones, 2 for £3. Sizes are odd though, normally I’m a 34C/D and I got a small.
Hope everyone is well.
Fairyem xx

Hi all

I have completed 5 out of 8 chemos and due to have more surgery post chemo to remove the rest of the nodes (4 out of 5 positive following SNB). Can I ask, if you are always discharged with a drain??? My scars following the lumpectomy and SNB are healing nicely (4 months on) only to be re-opened!!!

Grateful for any advice.