Had WLE and lymph nodes removed last week


I believe that if they remove all the nodes, you have to have a drain because the lymph fluid has to drain off. I don’t know what happens after that, though. If only some nodes are removed, I suppose it still has somewhere to go and so a drain is not necessary.

Hope this helps. Ann x

Hi Ann.
You can get a fair bit of bruising after the op but it soon goes.
In my case the area where the node was removed was the most uncomfortable but l think thats because of where it is.
My surgeon told me straight after the op that my sentinal node was clear, she said it was checked during the surgery, but she said she would wait for the report to come back, (which came one week later) for this to be confirmed.
I started rads 4 weeks later and when they were finished l started Tamoxifen. I was lead to believe that it’s best to have Tamoxifen after rads.
Hope this helps,

Yes, Barbara, that is what my surgeon told me, but some of the other ladies seem to be having it the other way round. It obviously depends where you are treated. I seem to be mirroring you.

My sentinel node was checked during surgery and I was happy as larry when I came round to find that it had been clear - until the BCN rang me the next day and happened to mention that it is also checked by the lab too, and that there was a small chance it might not be. Brought me down to earth with a bump!

Yes, it is under the arm that is the most sore - and the most purple. Still, it does feel more comfortable now that the dressing has been removed, as it was pulling somewhat.

Thanks for your thoughts. Hope you are doing well now. I would love to know how you have been getting on since your op.

Ann x

Hi Ann

For bruising get Nelsons Arnica30 tabs - Boots or Health food shops - they are brilliant - my bruising from two ops gone within a week - the hospital recommendeds them. Lynb xxx

after reading all your posts
i wonder why when i had 1 node out of 7 affected i didnt need to go back in(not that im complaining) and have clearence?

how do they decide

i tried to ring my nurse today but they arnt working
i want to talk to her about this burning feeling, im back to taking loads of tablets again


Thanks for the suggestion, but I have been taking Arnica 30 tabs, before and after the op, and now the dressing is off, I am using the cream. The strange thing is, the bruising is not next to the wounds, it is where the dressings ended. I dread to think what it would have been like if I hadn’t taken it.

Lincs lady - I assume they feel they have removed sufficient nodes, as only one node was affected. I think the bc tracks along one at a time and if they have checked another six, they must be happy they have got to the end - but then, what do I know? As you say, it’s best to ask the BCN.

I, too, have a burning pain around the bruising under my arm, but it is only 6 days since my op. When did you have yours?

Ann xx

thanks ann

i had surgery 11 days ago now
how time flies lol

Hello ladies,
am new to this experience and stil in shock. was diagnosed 2nd sept with IDC Grade II ER+ tumor, and diagnosed on 10th sept with DCIS grade I in left breast. I’m only 44 and in total shock to have cancer in both breasts. I had a wide excision lumpectomy on both sides on 15th Sept, with removal of sentinel lymph nodes which turned out to be clear. The sting in the tail - they found 2 additional incidencs of cancer in the tissue sample from R breast which had remained undetected. Am now facing a 2nd operation on 8th october to remove more tissue from r and some skin from L. Following which, radiotherapy for 6 weeks, so far no mention of chemo.
Am begnning to think maybe I should consider double mastectomy and reconstruction as I’m really scared that I;m at big risk of this thing coming back to get me later on. Any thoughts appreciated.

LoveVegas - This thing certainly knows how to bite, doesn’t it? I am so sorry you are having such a bad time. When I had my MRI, they said they had found two further lesions which were probably cancerous and offered me a mastectomy. I was horrified and so they asked if I would like to have them biopsied, which I did. It turned out that only the original lump was bc, so I was glad I made that choice, but I know that many ladies just want rid of the whole lot. If you feel that way, maybe that is best for you. Have they offered a mastectomy?

I get my results from my WLE/SNB on 8th October. I shall be thinking of you. Please let us know how you get on.

Love Ann x

Hello Ann_04,
Thanks for your kind thoughts. My surgeon has not mentioned mastectomy to me at all. I’m, now thinking maybe I should ask for the MRI scan to see if there is any more lurking in either breast. Good luck with your results on 8th, I’ll be thinking of you too.
LoveVegas xx

Hi to all

Hope everyone is trying to keep their chin up, we will all be ok.

Sorry not been on for a while. After expecting a call late Monday or early Tuesday to say if I needed further surgery, chasing up the nurses missing a call when picking up from school, kept getting answerphone etc. finally spoke to nurse yesterday and no further surgery needed- yeahhhh!!!

Now got appt to see oncologist on Monday to discuss treatment, whether chemo needed or just radiotherapy. I am keeping positive and do not mind what treatment is needed as I know it is for my benefit long term.

Have heard from others that effects of chemo or rads are similar - anyone got a view?



It’s wonderful that you have some good news! Don’t we need it? Waiting for the results is just awful. The imagination goes wild. Mine are next Thursday. Good luck with the next step.

Ann x

Hi Everyone,

Havent been on here for a few days. I found out on Tuesday that I have to have chemotherapy, followed by radiotherapy, was very upset as I really thought Id 'get away ’ with just having radiotherapy. Ann…radiotherapy has very few side effects, mainly sore skin and tiredness. Chemotherapy is what causes hair loss, etc. I think Ive got used to the idea now, and once Ive seen the oncologists then I will go and get my hair cut short, something Im not looking forward to doing, but hey ho…it has to be done.

My wound is healing really well considering it was opened up twice and Im feeling loads better physically, which is also good. Just want to get this all over and done with and get back to ’ normal’
Annie…thats really good news that you dont need any further surgery.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Take care
Deb x

Hi all

Deb - I have been to hospital this morning to see oncologist and had same news as yourself i.e. I need chemo. What has surprised me is that I did not know it would be over such a long period. I am on a 28 week timetable, due to have first chemo injection next Friday and then every 3 weeks or so, which means I will not be finished till about the end of April next year. Wow!!!
Then radiotherapy after that.

I am now thinking of going back to work in the next week or so. I work part time and oncologist said it would be good to have life as normal as possible, although just to be aware that some days/weeks may not feel as good. Just trying to get my head around everything now but know it will all be for my good long term.

Hope everyone else doing OK.


Hi - I had a WLE and SLN Biopsy three weeks ago. Like you, I was told last week that I needed Chemo and Radiotherapy and it was like a blow to the stomach! I’m due to have my first chemo session tomorrow and I’m absolutely terrified!!! But we can get through this and need to keep positive about how it is going to help us in the long run. Hugs x

hi everyone,
this is only my second time on. have had a partial mastectomy and lymph nodes removed last mon. go on thurs for my results trying to be postive for all the family.
still very sore. walk around holding on to my breast.
im getting really pissed of with my partner’s family at the moment. they seem to be avoiding me like i have the plague. they will drop him of at the door and not come in. its not like im looking them to feel sorry. but it is causing arguments between mick and me. his mum hasnt even phoned me since i came out of hospital. am i making a big deal out of this.
sorry for blowing of some steam but i just needed to get this of my chest.

Hi Annie,

It comes as a shock doesnt it. Ive been to my first chemo clinic this morning, just for pre assessment and to meet the oncologist, who is lovely. Im under Dr Counsell at Cheltenham Genral Hospital. I also saw a lady today about getting a wig, a scary thought initially, but actually they look really lovely and Ive decided to get one. My chemo will apparently take about 6 months too, and then radiotherapy, although they have advised me not to work, as I work in the prison service and its not the healthiest of environments!

Hi Crystal
Good luck with your chemo tomorrow, please let us know how you get on. I will do scared to, but read the posts on this site…everyone says that although its not nice, it is do-able. Apparently icepops and ginger biscuits are a must??!

Hi Elaine,
A few of my friends have been a bit elusive with me too, I sometimes think that people dont know how to react, and worry about what to say. Maybe you should give your inlaws a call and invite them round for a drink, or whatever you would normally do with them? Just to let them know that you are ok, and that they dont need to tread on egg shells around you? I think its harder for others , us girls who are going through this seem to just accept each step as it happens( with a few tears thrown in now and then). Mick must be finding it really hard too. Dont be too hard on him.

Something that was really useful that was given to me at the oncology unit this morning was a card for each of my teenage children, they are 18 and 16. It gives information of a website where teenagers whose parent has cancer can chat to other children in a similar situation. I really hope my kids make use of it. The site is riprap.org.uk just thought id share that with you all.
Ive also booked a’ look good feel great 'makeup session for the end of October, aparrantly teaches makeup techniques of how to apply makeup when you have little or no eyebrows/ eyelashes, so should be beneficial.

Hope you all have a good week.
Deb x

So sorry so many of you are having to have chemo, when no doubt you desperately hoped you would avoid it. Like Elaine, I am getting post-op results on Thursday, so don’t know yet.

Elaine, it just amazes me how some people can be so offhand. I am sure it is that they are frightened, for you and themselves, and it is easier to avoid a situation, but even so, not much empathy there, is there?

Good luck to everyone! Ann xxx

tks for the advice about the in laws.
my 13 yr old asked me today to see my scars from op. he thinks im cool now as i have scars. think i will give him the link to chat to other kids who’s parents are going throught this. he has only told a couple of his mates about me.
does anyone else here get very tired easily, not that im doing much to get tired. my mum wont even let me make a cup of tea lol


Thanks for the tips re the ice-pops and ginger biscuits. I’ll let you know tomorrow evening how it went. Off to bed now but probably won’t sleep much as I feel sick with nerves!!!