Had WLE and lymph nodes removed last week

Hi to all

Not been posting for a while as getting my head around starting chemo this Friday.

Sheila - good to hear your story. I have been nervous about what to expect as it is the unknown of the process and how I will be affected that bothers me. I too am thinking of working in some capacity while going through chemo. Met with my manager yesterday to discuss.

I have been getting the house ship shape thinking I do not know how I will feel but hopefully not be as wiped out as I anticipate. A bit worried about hair loss, particularly as I have a wedding to go to in 5 weeks.

Deb - have you started your chemo yet? How are you doing?

Hope everyone doing OK.


Hi Annie,

Hope you are well, how did your first chemo go? My first one is tomorrow, dreading it , but got to get on with it I suppose. Hope you arent feeling too horrid.
Take care
Deb x

Hi all

Deb - Do not worry about chemo. It was fine for me, I was worried about the unknown but it was quite painless. My first session was last Friday. Was at hospital from 10am to 3pm. Had to have blood taken, see doctor and wait for blood results which took up quite a bit of time. Will know to go bit earlier next time to allow for this. Then for chemo injections and ‘cold cap’. Injections fine, cold cap really cold at first but soon got used to it. Very bearable, although I did feel chilly all evening especially in my head. Over the weekend been OK, slight nausea and feeling tired but not the washout of a weekend I thought it may be. I know everyone is different and every time is different but so far so good. The nurse said that may not be too bad for first couple of days as taking anti-sickness tabs for 2 days but next few days may feel lower. OK so far this morning so just hope it continues like this.

Deb - you will be fine. Just remember to take a book or magazine in case you are hanging around and if you are having cold cap, wear warm clothing.

Take care, hope all goes well.


Hi All
This thread has certainly been worth reading all the comments have helped me, starting chemo on Wednesday, quite positive about it just want to get started now, no more hanging around waiting for a date to start. Hopefully side effects will be manageable.
Hope everyone is ok hugs to all.Carole x

Hi everyone,
I hope all your first sessions of chemo go well this week. I go for my second bout of chemo next week and so far I’ve been feeling fine. No sickness or nausea at all. I definitely think the wait is worse than the actual procedure. I’m now more worried about picking up infections - does anyone know if we are eligible for the swine flu vaccine??


Hi Crystal,

First chemo today, im having TAC…what are you having? My consultant has told me to have the swine flu vaccine as soon as it is available. Ive already had the regular flu vaccine and the pneumococcal vaccine too. Glad your chemo is going well.
Deb x

Hi Deb,

How did your first chemo go and how are you feeling now - not too bad I hope?? I’m having E/C but am unsure what other variations there are and how they differ. I’ve not been told to have any flu injections so I may just ring up tomorrow and enquire after what you’ve just said thank you.

Only five more to go!!!

Crystal xxx

Hi Crystal,

First chemo ok, lots of tablets to take at home today, and an injection to have this afternoon to boost bone marrow to work harder. Feel a bit achy today, but theyve said the tiredness builds up over a few days. Been up and done a bit of housework today though, which was more than I was expecting to do!

One down 5 to go!! Then radiotherapy.

Hope you’re having a good day.
Deb x

Hi Deb,

Glad your first chemo session went well. I felt tired for the first few days and then was ok. My only lasting side effect is that I have a sore on my tongue which is blummin annoying but I can’t really complain if this is all I’m gonna get. Get plenty of rest and relaxation and you’ll start feeling more yourself in a week or so.
I phoned the BCN today about the flu injections and she said they don’t normally give them during chemo but I’m to check with the Oncologist next week when I go.

Right off for a long relaxing bath and then bed I think.
Crystal xx

Hi All
chemo went ok last wed,I’m having 6xFEC had the usual red wee but either than that felt ok so far (touch wood). Lets hope the next 2 weeks will be manageable as well, as were all different aren’t we.
Hugs all take care Carole x

Hi Carole,

Glad your first chemo went well - I found the last two weeks of the cycle quite easy as I’ve felt ‘normal’ again. One not so good thing though is that I’ve started to loose my hair and I wore the ice cap!!
Oh well was to be expected I suppose but it’s still unsettling!! I’ve got my second session on Tuesday so fingers crossed that it goes the same way as the first.

Hugs to all
Crystal xxx

Hi Crystal
Not a good day yesterday but today woke up feeling quite ok, lets hope it stays that way. Its a shame after having to go through the pain of wearing the cold cap your hair has come out so early just shows you doesn’t work for every one I opted not to as it seems par for the course its not permanent, and although I have long hair (or should I say did, got it cut) and I know it will take ages to grow back it will just be another stage of my life. Funnily enough a few people have actually said how much younger I look with short hair perhaps I might keep it once it grows back.
Anyway good luck for Tuesday and take care Carole x

HI all

Crystal - sorry your hair has started to come out. Will you still wear it tomorrow for second session? My hair is fine so far but it has only been 10 days since first chemo. I have decided to get a wig next week so I have one ready just in case I need it, particularly as I am attending a family wedding in 4 weeks.

Deb and Carole - hope you still feeling Ok after your first chemo sessions. I was OK apart from some tiredness but after resting for 5 or 6 days felt really bored and fed up so did some retail therapy on Friday which was lovely!! Hope it continues good for all of us but I know the reality is that everyone is different and just because felt OK after first session may not be the same after second.

Is anyone working through their treatment? If so, how is that going? I am waiting for my workplace to come back to me this week to discuss how I can work at least some of the time.

Hope everyone is still smiling and positive.


Hi All
Thanks Debbie its been a funny few days up and down a bit but am coping with it that’s the main thing.
Carole x

Hi everyone,

I had my second chemo session yesterday and I’m feeling a bit washed out today. No sickness though so fingers crossed. Hair still falling in out bucket loads. Hope you are all feeling well.

Crystal xx

Hi All,
Hope those of you having chemo are feeling a bit better today?

I am having WLE and SNB a week on Friday,6th Nov. I have some questions,

how long were those of you that have had the same inhospital?
did you have a drain?

Now My BCn told me that I’d go to neuclear meds first for the injection into my boob before theatre, then I was going to ultrasound for a wire fitting as the tumour is small and needs to be pointed out to the surgeon. She said that that would take all day and my surgery would be in the afternoon. But I’m on the list for 9 a.m so I’m a bit mistified/

I wear a morphine patch for pain from Fibromyalgia so I dont think they will give me any extra pain releif. we shall see. The tumour is only 8mm so they presume the nodes are clear and I’ll just need radio. I hant been given any hormone status for the tumour yet except they made me have my lovely Myreena coil removed coz it contains progesterone. I hadnt had a period for 2 years and now I’m back to the horrid heavy stuff I had before the coil was fitted. Ah well, if it means that it doesnt aggravate the cancer then so be it!

I just wish the surgey would hurry up and arrive. the waiting is awful.


I had a WLE and SNB on 23rd Sept and came home the same day, at my request. I could have stayed overnight. My sentinel node was clear and so they didn’t need to take any more. Therefore, I had no drain. I had to be at the hospital at 7am (no food after midnight and no drink after 6.30am). First, there is a lot of form filling by the nurse, then the registrar, and the anaesthetist. I was given a long-lasting painkiller at about 9am, which lasts after surgery, apparently, and made to put on surgical stockings, which I had to wear for two weeks. I was sent for the radioisotope injection and then there was a lot of hanging around. I was called at about 2pm for surgery and I left the hospital at about 8pm, when my son came to pick me up. No after effects from the anaesthetic, fortunately.

Good luck with your op.

Love Ann x

Hi Knitnut

I was similar to Ann: WLE & SNB and did stay overnight but could have come out if I’d pushed it.

I too went down early but had the wire fitting on the evening before the op. I had never had surgery before but found the preparation was no big deal- just mildly uncomfortable - no more than that and the op itself ditto - straightforward, little painand no drain.

I am not sure how Ann 's surgeon knew that the sentinel node was clear- I thought that wasn’t known for sure until all the tissue had been analysed etc- it took 2 weeks in my case and unfortunately although my tumour was small, it turned out to be not-so good and I had to return for full axillary clearance, chemo etc.

I do hope you will be luckier !.

Hi Knitnut,

I had WLE and SNB and had to stay in overnight with a drain in each incision. I was allowed out the following day as my drains were clear. I didn’t get the results for two weeks and luckily there was no spread into the lymph nodes. Unfortunately though, I am herceptin positive which means I have to have chemo, radio and herceptin. Just had my second course of chemo and now feeling a little washed out.
Can’t wait for this all to be over and done with!!

Hugs to all
Crystal xxx

topsymo - My hospital tests part of the sentinel node during surgery. If it appears clear, they do not remove any more nodes - if it is not clear, they would do a full axillary clearance at the same time, rather than having to go back for more surgery at a later date.

The remaining part of the sentinel node is tested in the lab, as you say, and I did have to wait for two weeks for all the other results. In my case, fortunately, the remainder of the sentinel node was clear. I don’t think all hospitals do this procedure.

knitnut - Good luck with your op.

Ann x