Had WLE and lymph nodes removed last week

Hi Ann, Topsymo and Crystal,
Thank you for your replies. it puts my mind at rest a bit more. at least this time next week it will all be over. The pre-op bloods clotted so I had to go back today and have more taken! Annoying.

Hi all

Hope everyone feeling OK today. I had a busy week last week with children off school.

Crystal, how are you doing still after second session. Is it different to your first? I go for my second session this Friday.

Knitnut - I had WLE and SNB beg of September. I had to go in hospital the day before the operation and then 1 more night, so 2 nights altogether. I did not have a drain so think that made it easier to be discharged as well. Actually on the day of discharge I was home by lunchtime! I had to go in the day before so I could have injection and scan so you may have to be the same. You might have heard this by now.
My nodes were clear but I still have to have chemo, mainly as a precautionary measure. I was a bit shocked by this as I had been told surgery and then just radiotherapy, nobody mentioned chemo. Used to the idea now and going for second chemo on Friday.

Good luck with your op. Hope all goes well.


Hi Annie,

My second chemo has more or less gone the same way as my first although my veins had a bit of a reaction to the infusion this time round and it was a little uncomfortable. I think they’re gonna have to use a different vein for the next one!! My hair is very thin now and I’m getting my wig fitted tomorrow thankfully.

I hope that your second bout of chemo goes well for you this Friday.

Love and hugs xxxx

Is anyone on Facebook?

Hi Annie,
thanks for your reply. I have to go tommorrow(5th) for my Sentinel node tracking. I didnt know that I’d get the injection and go back 3 hours later for the actual scan. its going to be a loooong day esp as I’m going to the ‘happy’ theatre at night as opose to the operating one to see the ‘Vagina Monologues’ Cant wait it will take my mind of the op on Friday. its getting nearer and I’m not sleeping and quite tearful. but I know I’ll be o.K-I have a counciller (sp?) coming to see me today for achat which will help.

Crystal, I’m on Facebook- if you PM me I’ll send you my ‘real’ name!!

Hi Knitnut,

Hope all goes well today, I’ll be thinking of you!!

I’ve sent you a PM with my FB details and I look forward to seeing you on there.

Crystal2 xxx


Hope all doing Ok.

Had second chemo on Friday. Still had cold cap although hair is coming out a bit now. Did not feel as cold this time on Friday evening. Bit more nausea but really tired.

How is your wig Crystal? I got one last week but have not worn it yet. Going to try it getting used to it in the house this week.

Knitnut - hope all went Ok last week and you are doing alright.


Hi Annie,

I’m glad your second chemo went ok and you’re now a third of the way through which is good!!

My wig is great!!! It’s really given me confidence as I’ve had lots of compliments. I gave up on the cold cap as I was losing so much hair and I now have a shaved head which I prefer as the hair loss was driving me mad.

Knitnut - where are you?? I hope all’s ok!

Hugs to all
Crystal xxxx

Hi All,
thanks for your lovely messages and concern. I’m fine. had my op Friday lunch time. went down for my wire first . the hospital were fabulous I have to say, but I was so glad to get home. I was in overnight and home saturday luchtime. I’m sore but not in pain. I just feel like I’ve been kicked. I didnt realise I’d have 2 incisions. My kids were intrieged by my blue boob and tales of blue wee!! my eldest is calling me mama Smurf!!

I’ve not been on here because I’ve been knocked flat by the anaesthetic. I didnt sleep in the hospital, went to bed Sat lunchtimne at home and have barely woken since!! good stuff they give you!! mind you I’m on tons of meds including Morphine patches for my Fibromyalgia and havnt had an anaeasthetic since I’ve been on all these drugs so I guess alot of it is whats already in my body!!

people have been lovely. the phone hasnt stopped ringing. i’ve had lot s of visitors, flower, chocoltates etc.

i take my dressings of tommorrow and just waitng for the date to go back and get biopsy results…

speak to you all soon.

Hi Knitnut

It’s good to hear all went well with the surgery. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the results!

Crysta xxx

Hi everyone

Ive just been reading through the last few weeks of posts as I havent been online for a while. Had my 2nd chemo last tuesday, and just starting to feel like I have a bit of energy coming back.The pains in my legs have been quite bad, slight nausea but not too bad, extreme tiredness, thats putting it mildly. One of the worst things is how horrible everything tastes. The only thing I seem to be able to taste a bit is sugar, everything else tastes disgusting. My hair is almost out , few fine bits left which Im really fed up of and think I will shave off. All in all it could be worse, 2 down 4 to go.

Hope you are all doing well.
Deb x

Hi Deb,
Glad you are starting to feel a bit better. Like you I decided to shave my hair off in the end as it was getting so bad, but once I’d done it I felt sooo much better and I love my new wig (see pic!)

I had my third lot of chemo today so I’m halfway through - yay!!!
I’m hoping my SE won’t be bad as so far I think I’ve got off lightly.
I’ll have to wait and see. Feeling fine now though.

Have a good week eveyone
Crystal xx

Deb - I also had extreme tiredness after my second session. Could not believe how tired I was. It does pass though.

Crystal - I was wondering if the photo was with your new wig. Looks great, really good. I have been wearing my wig a lot more since last week. Hard getting used to it but I am persevering especially as keep being told it really suits me and I look younger! Mine is a bob style although a bit shorter than yours but for someone who has always had short hair it takes some getting used to. Still have hair but getting it cut tomorrow as keeps coming out and I think the wig may fit better as well. Not going to shave it all off though, not brave enough for that.

Knitnut - hope all going Ok with you. When do you get results?

Right I am off for another showing off with my new look hair. Just going to see my brother and family. Takes me ages to put the wig on but think I am getting a bit quicker.

Love to all
Annie xx

Crystal 2 - your wig looks fab. Can I ask if it is real hair? It looks really natural. Just colecting information for when the time comes. Marli

Hi all,
Yes Annie, I am wearing my wig in this photo - absolutely love it. Like you I’m getting compliments that it makes me look younger and I feel good in it. You’ll get the hang of putting it on - I tend to start from the front and then pull it down towards the back. It does sit better when you have less hair and is less itchy. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it. You should put up a photo with it on maybe!!

Marli, my wig is not real hair but I got it from an independent suppliers who are attached to the hospital. The owner has gone through chemo herself and saw there was a gap in the market where I am. It was free too, on the NHS, but if bought private would have cost about £250!!

Hope everyone is well.

Crystal xx


You replied to ‘Deb’ but I think you meant me, Annie. No worries. I will see how the wig goes after having my hair cut tomorrow. Hope it helps a bit with the itching! Will try and put a photo on.


Hi to everyone - going for my first chemo tomorrow and have just been reading back over the last month. Feel quite positive in view of your experiences, everyone seems to cope quite well and start on the upward path fairly soon. Crystal hope you feel as well after your last session. Best wishes to you all. Marli

Hi I posted here a while ago and thought I would pop in again re wigs and seninal node testers.

I have posted my new profile pic in my wig - which i wore for first time today - and was not deteced by several eople who were shocked when i told them it was a wig - makes me look younger too but just too hot when in shops - hot flushes etc phew - cant wipe the sweat off my brow - too much fringe. My cousins wife cut and adjusted mine to fit really well - most wigs are made to fit heads with hair underneath and have 20% more hair than needed so that you can get them thinned /styled - she had to sew a couple of rows together inside so that it fitted my scalp tightly. She used to work in the big London hospitals and Adenbrookes.

I am having a Shaveathon next wed evening to help raise £60K to purchae the node testing equipment for m local hosital,(explained by another lady in earlier post) I cannot understnd why the authority will not pay for it in the next budget as it will save them a fortune in surgery time and beds when ladies have to have another op for the axillary clearance if nodes involved. But they wont so have to raise the money.
Really enjoying organising it - getting sponsorship for my OH and contacting local businesses for raffe prize donations. Have got free location - local hotel bar area and trying to get as many friends and family as possible to attend . Will let you know how I get on Lynb xxx

Annie, I’m so sorry I got your name wrong - yes my reply was to you!!! Are you wearing your wig in the photo? If so, it looks fab!!!

Gemjunkie, your wig looks great too!! I’ve sent you a friend request on facebook so I look forward to getting to know you better on there.

Marli - hope your chemo has gone well today and your side effects are minimal!

Keep well everyone
Crystal xx

Good luck, Marli. I hope chemo goes ok.

Ann x