Hadfields Procedure/Major duct removal

Hello folks,


I had a Hadfields Procedure on 17th June, where they removed all my major ducts.


On the whole i’m pleased with how it went, scarring isn’t too bad and I have regained some sensation in my nipple. However I am getting increasingly concerned about my nipple folding in.

You know how normally you can pick up your nipple between your thumb and forefinger? Well when I try to do that I can’t, my nipple folds in half, inwards, straight across the middle. You can’t physically hold the nipple at all. I still get intermittent pains too, but I suppose that’s normal,  my Surgeon said it takes about 3 months for the internal healing to happen, I’ve just past that and was hoping things would have improved.


Has anyone else had a Hadfields or any similar experience?


I know it sounds very shallow but my nipples were always a big part of my sex life and the thought of it now being an out of bounds area makes me feel like damaged goods.


Thanks for your time.







Hi Mabel


I had a microdochectomy, which removed one milk duct also in June. I too noticed that the nipple had inverted to a degree and also that the shape of the breast was altered, a little blunted if that makes sense.


The issues with that procedure became a little academic for me as I subsequently had to have a lumpectomy in that area which included the removal of the nipple and all the areola.


I empathise with your feelings about the loss of the use of that nipple as for me too that is a very sensual area and although of course I still have the other one I sometimes find myself getting a bit upset when the remaining nipple is played with.


When I had the procedure I was warned that it was a possibility though of course I didn’t think it would actually happen.


And it is not shallow to feel that way, I was upset too at the effect the procedure had had on my breast.


Take care.






Hi Mabel,


I have just been told i need to have the hadfield procedure although i have symptoms which I have been told are low risk they have told me they cant rule out malignancy. Like you I feel fearful of the loss of sensation and possible issues with loosing my nipple or inversion. So i totally understand where you are coming from .  How long did you take to recover from op.? I havent agreed to surgery yet it seems so drastic. I know its not as there are lots of women out thare having more radical surgery than this. 

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Lucy BCC

I’ve just been told by my consultant that I have to have a bilateral hadfields procedure. I’ve been reading up on it online and I’m starting to get really scared about the whole thing.
This may sound vain but I’m worried about how I will look after the operation. I’m only very small chested and would really love some advice from anyone that has had the procedure. Were you left disfigured and is it possible to have reconstructive surgery if you are left looking bad. Sorry for the essay just need some advice.
Thank you in advance.

I had the Hadfields Procedure major duct removal in Dec 2008 my two boys were just very young. I now facing Breast changes again and terrified of my appointment in the morning . Hoping all will be good .