Haematoma ?

Hi all, my first post.

I was diagnosed grade 3 IDC, 9th Jan and had WLE & SNB 13th Jan, all seemed well until a dressing change 17th Jan revealed a slight infection at SNB site. I have been taking Flucloxacillin 250mg 4 x daily since. Today 20th this area appears to be more solid, tender and sore.

I am due pathology results and will see my surgeon 23rd, should I seek advise before this appointment ?

Thank you to previous writers, I have already been able to answer questions and receive support just knowing you’re out there. x

Hi ProjectKylie,

I would definitely seek advice ahead of your appointment, just to be on the safe side. If you can contact your surgeon, great. Otherwise, contact your BCN. If that doesn’t work, speak to your GP. Someone should be able to offer advice!

I had a weird reaction the first day I took Tamoxifen. I ended up calling MacMillan as I couldn’t get through to BCC. The nurse I spoke to told me to get my ass to A&E, as what I was describing wasn’t a typical side effect!! I think she thought I was having a stroke!!! As it turned out, it was pure coincidence, unrelated to Tamoxifen and nothing to worry about.

My advice, if in doubt, find out!! You’ve enough to deal with right now without additional concerns. And a simple phone call might be all it takes to put your mind at rest.

Go on! Get on the phone!! Take care, best wishes, Mel. xx