hair and nails

hello everyone
i was dx aug 09
chemo and rads finished in march 2010
then tam and citralopram to date

i didnt lose nails through chemo but they wernt very good, lost all hair

now hair is in really bad condition, worse than when it was growing back!
i do have it dyed,some bleach and i do straighten

i have it trimmed regulaly and use good products
if i rub the ends of the hair between my fingers it breaks off!!

my nails are so sore
they did start to grow well and for ages i had varnish on all the time
now they just split and peel off before they have any length at all so they are so sore

anyone have any tips? what am i lacking for this to happen?

I had FEC/TAX over 6 cycles finished Mid May 2010. Lost all my hair and total 5 nails. Could only cope without wig in February 2011 and I`ve only had my now very brittle and much thinner head of hair cut once since starting chemotherapy in January 2010.

What has helped my hair more than anything is a fingernail amount of Moroccanoil ( all one word) purchased from my hairdresser, and applied, to leave in, after every hairwash.

Hope this helps. I also only now use Baby shampoo.

Also am now a great fan of Waitrose Baby Bottom Butter - it is not only fantastic for nether end but great for nails and dry skin. The main ingredients are Olive Oil and Chamomile oil.

Udderly smooth hand cream is also worth trying and probably less greasy than the baby bottom butter.( available from Amazon)


I don’t know if this works, my mum and I have always had terrible nails, but she used to swear by eting a lump of jelly every day for her nails.

Also heard that glucosamine is good for nails, I’ve just bought some!

Hello ladies

Can I ask a question is it only tax that effects the nails or does fec effect them as well sorry if I seem a bit thick but I’m totally confused, I’m only having fec and have been told nothing about it effecting my nails.

Thanks Sue

Not 100% sure about the answer to last question, but only the info on tax mentioned nails in my stuff. My nails are a problem sort chemo and I’m using Sally Hansens Miracle Cure, which you apply every other day and it does seen to fill in the flaky bits and cracks. Over that. I put same make Hard As Nails to keep water out. My onc said to wear varnish for a year or the would just flake off. Can’t help about the hair - still only got stubble!