Hair colouring
Hair colouring I know this topic has been raised in the past. My last session of chemo was 12th January, I now have a full head of hair although it is still very short. I now wish to have it coloured with a vegetable dye. From your experiences is 3 months long enough to wait before doing this. I would appreciate any advice.
Hair Colouring I finished my chemo in January 2006 and by March, I was fed up of being grey (I was only 34 at the time!). Anway, I coloured my hair within 3 months of finishing my chemo. I used Herbatint, which can be bought off the internet. It is really good, gives great coverage and has no amonia or parabens in it. I still use it.
Good luck!
Hi Marrell,
I finished chemo September 06, and hair was about 1/2 inch all over by December - couldn’t stand the grey and black colour of it so used Naturtint - which you can get from larger branches of Holland and Barrett, and also from the internet (just google Naturtint and am sure you will find it). It’s really good and I love my hair now - it’s also grown back curly - am sooo thrilled cos never had so much as a ‘bend’ in my hair, ever!! Mum used to describe it as being as ‘straight as pump water’! Just getting to the length now where I think I need to have a trim - which will be the first time in hairdressers since Jan 06!!!
Anyway hope you find something that suits - have a good weekend - enjoy the weather promised.
Love Jean xx