Hair colouring

Hair colouring

Hair colouring I have started a new topic for user gerddi

On-line Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

I know this subject has been covered before but I can’t find the link so can someone please tell me how long I have to wait before colouring my one inch long grey curly new hair. I finished my chemo on 5th Feb and rads 2nd March. Why do we have to wait ? is it because of our scalps or does it depend on the length of regrowth?
I’m going away for a long weekend in the middle of June so it’ll be four months after treatment finished. It will be the first time away since dx last July and I really don’t want to wear my wig but I really don’t want grey hair either.
I know it sounds trivial after everything thats happened but I don’t feel like me anymore. Any advice would be great
Thank you

Hair colouring Hi gerddi

I have just had my hair coloured finished chemo last July, I was told not to colour my hair for 6 months but actually left is longer as hair did not come back grey just curly.

My hairdresser who I have been going to for years would not colour it until after the 6 months as worried about how it would turn out, but did suggest if I was very unhappy she would put a semi permanent one on for me.

I am glad I waited as my new hair was completely different to my old hair different colour completely and have never had curly hair before, so this gave me time to get used to it.

Now I am happy with my hair, I’ve just had 2 different colours put it and feel great.

So perhaps speak to your hairdresser and go for a semi permanent as by the time this comes out you could have a permanent colour.



I finished my chemo on 8th Jan. I hated the colour of my hair when it started to grow back so I had it coloured at the hairdresser just under 2 weeks ago. I had a permanent colour and it is fine. I saw one of the chemo nurses recently and when I told her I had n’t waited 6 months before colouring she said"Well we only say 3 months now anyway". My hair is only aboutan inch and a half long so the good news was that the hairdresser only charged me half price for colouring it.


Hi Dorothy,
I finished chemo Sept 06 and coloured my hair just before Christmas. We were going to Goa and wanted to go wigless in the day. I used Naturtint for the first couple of times that I coloured it - which is very good - it’s a permanent colour but apparently doesn’t contain as many harmful chemicals as other colourants. You can get it from most branches of Holland and Barrett or if you google for it you’ll find you can get it mail order. Best of luck whatever you decide.

PS - my daughter has just put blonde streaks in mine - it looks great!

Love Jean

Think it depends on how strong your hair is when it first comes back. Mine came back with a vengence. It’s always been strong and thick but it came back very white and very fast.When I went for my first post chemo checkup was told I’d have no prob dyeing it. I went scandinavian blonde with no problems!