Hi There
My mother has just finished Chemo and Radiotherapy. Her hair is slowly growing but its very ‘grey’ - (silver as she likes to call it). We’ve been told to treat her hair like a baby’s ie dont’ put heavy chemical dye on it. Has anyone used a vegetable or herbal hair dye that works, if so where would I get this.
This site is so useful, thanks to everyone who contributes during these horrible times.
Hi Heather
When I finished chemo and rads I firstly tried a henna dye with little success, not sure if I used it correctly. I then used a semi-permanent dye, botanics range from Boots and I am delighted with the result.
My understanding is that you should use a semi-permanent dye not a permanent one. Hope you mum finds what’s right for her, it was a great boost to my confidence when I got hair done and could go out wig/scarf free.
Anne xx
Hi Heather,
There is a few threads on this site about hair dye here’s a link to 1 of them.
Good Luck
Take Care
Leslee x
Hi Heather,
I’ve been using Naturetint from Holland and Bartlett since my hair started to return.It’s amonia free and has no nasty chemicals in it. It comes in lots of natural looking colours and does a great job of covering grey hair. My hair is in better condition now than in pre chemo days!!
Josie x
Thanks so much for the feedback, I’ll hit the shops at the weekend an have her looking her oldself in no time.
Hi there
Like josyemarie, I’ve used the H&B permanent hair colour and it worked really well. I am 4 months post chemo and my hair was fluffy brown with silver strands - baby hair and I was hating it!!! I dyed it jet black to make a statement of my short hair-do and am really pleased with it. It’s a bit more expensive than other dyes at around £8.99, I believe Boots also offer a gentle organic product for around the fiver mark. Best of luck.
I can also vouch for the naturetint hair dye. It is gentle and has no nasty smell like some chemical dyes! It did a great job of covering my grey. I actually used it when my hair was only a few millimetres long and had no trouble at all.
Pauline x