hair dyes

Hi I have read threads previously about how long after chemo to dye your hair, but can’t remember any of the details. My hair is growing back so grey (it wasn’t before) that I need to do something before I dare to ditch the wig!!!

Can anybody recommend a product that is safe to use, I finished chemo in June.

Thanks Nicky

Hi there Nicky

im sort of in the same position so when i saw one of the threads i kept a copy in my draft folder, here it is:

"Holland & Barrett do a gentle hair colourant called Naturetint that might be suitable. I’m sure I have read on here that other ladies have used it.

If you Google Holland & Barrett and click hair colourants you can order it online. Costs about £8.99."

im hoping to try it out soon as well, just not comfortable with the length of my hair yet and its grown back the wrong colour even though the rest of my body hair is coming back blonde and not brown like on my head, strange!!!

good luck


Hello Nicky

My hair has grown back a strange mixture of black and white. I’ve used successfully a product which I saw mentioned somewhere as being safe. It’s called Natural Colours by Daniel Field and costs about £7. I got mine from Sainsbury’s. It contains no ammonia or peroxide - just a powder which you mix with water.

Unfortunately my hair is still too short for me to feel comfortable going out bareheaded but at least knowing that it’s a decent colour makes me feel better.

Take care
Love Anthi

Hiya Nicky,

Prior to my chemo i was allergic to hair dyes. I had been dying my hair for 13 years when i developed a severe allergic reaction to the colourant (ppd).

I was in a major state of panic as I could not imagine never dying my hair again.

Luckily I discovered Clairol Loving Care, which has no ammonia or peroxide. Its supposed to wash out in about 8 washes. It is only about £3.50.
It was gentle enough for my scalp so I have been using it for about 6 years now (well, up until I started chemo).
I finished my chemo on 15th Aug and do not yet have enough hair to dye…I cant wait until I do have enough as the bit of hair I do have has come back mostly white (not grey, white! with the odd dark hair here or there!)

Im not sure about your area but where I live (bradford) non of our supermarkets stock it anymore, but it can be bought from Superdrug if you have one local to you.

I hope this helps?

Julie x