Hair extensions post-chemo... Any experiences??

Hi ladies
just wondering if any of you have had hair extensions after chemo? A hairdresser I know thinks my hair is long enough- but I went to buy the hair today and the girls in the shop said it was way too short?!? I was then reluctant to buy the hair + fork out about £350 in total just in case they look awful. Was really excited going into town this morn coz I really miss my long hair but now I’m too worried to go ahead.
Have any of you had them done when your hair was still short? I’m 12mths post tax now but have had several hair cuts along the way…
Any advice appreciated :slight_smile:
tina x

Hi Tina, I haven’t had them but my hair is about half an inch at the moment! Friend has had them done and they ruined her hair because where they were tied damaged her own hair and she had to have them cut out. I know post chemo hair is supposed to be weak but mines like a brillo pad! Hope someone can help you decide, it’s such a lot of money ( says she with a £300 wig I wore four times!) Lou x

Hi gingerbud, I had racoon hair extensions from the hair in recovery charity…google it, I had no problems or damage with them. I think they are available nationwide. jaclyn

Hi tina
theresbeen a thread onhere about racoon hair extensions but i think it was last year and no doubt the precise and userfriendly search facility won’t find it.
From memory, racoon are the post chemo ones of choice and theladies who had had them seemed really pleased with them. Good luck on the swishy hair quest
