Hair extensions

Hi everyone, 


Just a quick question about hair extensions and anyone’s experiences with them after treatment. Finished chemo last March, had lumpectomy and radiotherapy which all finished in July 2016 and thankfully my hair has grown relatively well all things considered. 


I recently made some enquiries about possibly having extensions as my son is getting married in a few months. My hair is about 4-5 inches all over and certainly easier to manage than it was a few months ago but I used to have long hair before my treatment. People keep telling me they like my hair how it is and to an extent I do too but I keep thinking about looking back at the wedding pictures at some time in the future (I hope I’m going to still be here for a while!) and wishing my hair was different. 


I had a consultation with a lady from Racoon Int the other day and came out convinced I would go ahead and have them done about a month before the wedding even though she’d said they were quite high   maintenance but had assured me they won’t damage my hair long term. However, I waited longer than I thought I would be able to bear to have my highlights put back in (January) and now think maybe I should wait as I will be having my hair done on the day and I’ve still got more time for it to grow. 


I also think that at the time of my diagnosis, I wasn’t even sure I’d still be here for the wedding, in fact it was one of he first questions I asked the consultant. Thankfully he said “that would be in the plan” and all being well, I should be! In the grand scheme of things, I know a lot of people often think that to worry about hair loss etc shouldn’t be top of your list and of course I am so grateful that I’ve been treated and hopefully come out of it all not to bad. However, I’m sure most of us can relate to how difficult it is. Superstitious me also thinks I’m tempting fate a bit as I’m due for a follow up appt early April when I might be having the extensions done later that month. 


Sorry for the long post, hope it’s not too long for a reply or two from someone. Any thoughts/ experiences about hair extensions welcome.  


Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Devonshire lass,

Sorry you haven’t received any replies yet and I am sure some of our users will be along to share their experiences with hair extensions soon.

In the meantime you can always post on our Ask the Nurse board or call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, who will be able to talk you through any questions you have and offer a friendly ear. The opening hours are below:

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Wednesday, 9am-7pm
Saturday, 9am-1pm

Best wishes, 


Hi Devonshire lass,  have you considered a hair piece rather than extensions?  When I had my hair cut off for chemo and go my wigs, my hairdresser said extensions would damage our delicate regrowth. have a good selection, and when I got my wig from House of Fraser in Exeter they could get all sorts of hair pieces/extensions to match any hair colour.  Maybe worth a look if you are only wanting longer locks for the wedding. 

Hope you find what you are looking for and I’m sure you will look beautiful whichever you go for.  Xx