Hair falling out - had to start the horrible process

And this is what my hair used to look like! This was taken the day I had it cut, and for me that process was far worse than losing/shaving it.

Jane xxx

PS When I change my profile pic again this post will seem very peculiar, particularly if I use a picture of my dog…

I can imagine, your hair looks so beautiful and long. Mine was just to the middle of my neck and more or less straight-ish. So it wasn`t that long, but the first process off cutting it with clippers at first was indeed very traumatic! especially when you realise some bits were left patchy!

I am thinking of keep shaving mine for a few months even after the chemo is over to stimulate my hair to grow stronger before letting it grow slowly. And then I will be trying out all the different hair cuts!:slight_smile: When I think of it like it I don`t find this whole process not too much upsetting.

and Oh!I hear your hair grows kinda curly at first! Always wanted to have a curly hair so even if that may last a short while, I am curious to have it:))



Yes, I’ve heard that too. I REALLY don’t need my hair to be any curlier than it was before!

Jane xxx

You’re right it is strangely liberating and the deed is much less scary than the thought of it. I now need toknow, Do I moisturise bald head? If so do I use face cream, a bit expansive for my mighty dome, or body lotion? Help please as don’t want to get wrinkly head. I might start a new thread to see if I get results.

I haven’t lost any hair yet. I don’t start chemo until Tues. but I am curious to find out what is the best thing to rub into your scalp. Someone suggested almond oil, elsewhere, but it sounds a bit greasy to me.

Hi Hipchick

I used Simple baby shampoo and this did not really dry out my scalp, when I did get a dry patch I just put some No7 serum stuff I had laying about but other than that did not need to. Now using Caffine shampoo as my hair is starting to grow again (Onc team OKd this).

DaisyGirl xx

Im putting a bit of Astral body cream that I use on my body too as Im not sure putting any other chemical on it yet. Its best to be safe. But I am open to other suggestions that may have worked for others. When I first shaved it was a bit sore, red and drish. but its great now. I put it after I have a shower. My haed feels so nice and smooth, and not a bit of deadroff! :slight_smile:


I’ve used bog standard Nivea cream on my head when it itches. Many creams cause me dermatitis, E45, AKA the devil’s spawn, has lanolin in it which all family is allergic to. Nivea has been very soothing.

We’re all allergic to E45 too. Put it on my sons eczema and it flared up. Makes me itch and flare. I’m using Aloe vera gell or Aveeno product. Can get Aveeno on scrip too. Will try that on my bonce.


Have just shaved my head as it was hurting so much! It feels so much better and I have discovered that I love my ears! Don’t look weird either. I have put aloe vera gel from the Body Shop on my head and it’s really helped the soreness already. Also have almond oil to put on at bedtime.

At the beginning of this BC journey losing my hair was my dread and it really hasn’t bothered me one bit. I had fun with the clippers and did a mohican first. Wish I’d taken a photo! Will put a bald photo on here soon.

Love Rachel x

loosing the hair makes it real, doesn’t it?
I thought I was ready for it, but clearly wasn’t.
I use Aqueous cream. Helps the peeling on the face too.

Yes it does make it real, I think a lot of us underestimate the effects it has, but 2 years on and mine has grown back twice as thick and with a definate wave in it, it was poker streight before.
looking back now it is hard to remember my baldy head and pokey eyes, good luck hope this phase passes very fast for you x

I felt quite brave 10 days ago when I gave myself a grade 3 but now it’s 2/3 fallen out and still itchy and it now looks less ‘edgy’ and more like I have some scabby disease.

I feel quite mannish and less feminine so I mostly wear floaty tops with leggings to feel a bit more ‘girlie’. If I wear my normal eye make-up I think that I look a bit like a drag queen before he puts his wig on.

I’ve put my name down for a place on a LGFB day so I can learn more about how to use make-up etc when in this mess but there is a 3-month waiting list and my day is the day before my last (hopefully the last!) chemo. Bugger.


this is the second time i have lost my hair, the first time i was very, very upset. This time i havent been upset at all,

i look like uncle festa, short, fat, bald, pale with black rimmed eyes, lol.

what the heck, i slap the make up on, dress a bit girlier than i usually would,

i will not diet, just try to eat healthy, the 3 stone i have gained during treatment will melt away, (wont it?) lol,

we all need to be positive about this, i shaved my head its like a snooker ball, i have come to the conclusion it is the least of my worries, yes i have down days, where i feel weepy etc, but eventually it will all come right, it isnt easy, nobody said it was going to be easy did they?

SO come on girls, get your wigs, turbans, buffs (whatever they are)
caps, slap the lippy on, and keep smilin,

we will get there,

lots and lots of love liz xxx

Ninj, phone and ask for a cancellation. That’s how I got my LGFB. Keep calling until they give in. They often get cancellations so good chance.

I too have the drag queen look. Horrible isn’t it. Feel like putting those massive false eyelashes on to complete the look. Stilts and ange wings too?

Hi Liz
I’m with you on the being positive thing. I’m enjoying experimenting with clothes, make up, jewellery and my lovely hats. I spend much more time getting ready than I ever did and it makes me feel lovely when I’m wearing nice things.

I loved shaving my head-something I never thought I would ever do but it made me feel in control of the cancer and not the other way round, and it’s actually quite liberating to do that.

Love Rachel x

Rachel I agree. I shaved my head and thought I’d cry but I enjoyed it. (Until the battery ran out and I had a mohican at the back). I’m not really a punk, more an old hippy.

Hipchick-I did a mohican too, just for fun. I wanted to take a pic but I was naked at the time to stop my clothes getting covered in hair. Thought it might be a little risky!

I want to paint eyes on the back of my head as I always tell my class I have them. Do you think I should? They are desperate to see my bald head!!!

Rachel x

Depends how old the kids are. Too young and they might freak out, too old and they’d think you were bonkers. In the middle, go for it. 5-7 maybe?

I did mine naked too. Same reason.

Yep Liz - am on second time around too and this time it feels normal!!! Even the family are used to my bald head - and it is now growing back again so I might have a summer without hats except to keep sun off of head as it’s very sensitive. Keep on with the feminisation - I discovered nailpolish after hair fell out and love that whereas before was not bothered at all. Can’t wait for sandal season and putting polish on toes again - that was a real treat last summer. Feel like I’m discovering other parts of my body - and my hair was a pain to look after as it was straight and thick so have more time for other things now and happy to spend the money since I’m not having hair cuts and colourings to pay for . Silver linings?? Maybe…