Hair Loss - bandana's

Hi girls

Anyone know of any good websites to get funky bandanas etc to cover hair loss during chemo?

Have looked at Anna Bandana which seems good but all the different types of scarfs seems confusing, however good prices! Another one i checked out was suburban turban, which had loads of cool styles but seems a bit pricey!

Just wondered if anyone had any other recommendations, or particularly liked either of these two?! Want to be prepared for when the hair comes out :frowning:



THANKS :smiley:
will check it out now!

Hi Lynne,

I bought about 6 different ones from Ann Bandana as I couldn’tmake up my mind. The sleep caps are not attractive at all- I bought 1 and used it when I first shave my head off as my head felt so cold at night. I like the banda types that elasticate so you just need to do one tie at the back. There’s come called chemo scarves; what an awful name and I think the name of them has put my off wearing them- they are comfortable with along scarf and a srunchy at the back but I feel like I look like I have cancer when I wear them. I bought some plain cotton formal scarves from the but I haven’t used these at all. too much fidddling about.
‘RandRconfidence’ have some nice scarves, fairly pricey and I would call them pretty rather than funky.
River Island have ome scarves in stock and my friend said they are nice. I’m going to have a look ther next time I’m shopping- I like the ides of buying from a normal shop.
Have you been to ‘Headstrong’? It’s a service run by BCC. You can try on all the different types of hats, scarves, buffs, hair pieces etc, so you can see what look suits you before buying.

Good luck with you scarve shopping,



I wore silk turbans from Patra - lovely and comfortable for sleeping in and kept my head warm.

I bought some from Bohemia Fashions, which were really easy to tie. I also bought quite a lot of scarves from Primark (£2 each). I think I had one to go with every outfit.

HI there, suburban turban are indeed cool but pricey - in the end I bought one of their caps, and you know what, I wore it day after day after day cos I got such good feedback on it and it made me feel really good about myself, and like I was having fun on my head rather than just trying to cover up my baldness!
cheers Nicola (or is it .com?) was very good for a massive range of assorted bandanas. I bought some Buffs from there, and they’re my head covering of choice. They even do a UV protective range for those very hot and sunny days. The difficulty is deciding which of the hundreds of designs to go for!


I used Annabandana, but I have to say I hated the bandanas. They moved about when I ate, and I kept fiddling with them. They weren’t a good fit, and they ooze chemo hair loss.
I’ve used a couple of the sleep caps and they are OK, but finding hats much better and far less obvious as most people wear hats as apposed to bandanas.

Thanks everyone for the comments :smiley:

It all seems so confusing! I suppose I just want to look as ‘normal’ as possible throughout this. Sorting out the headwear is one part but nothing I can do about the eyebrows and lashes i guess :frowning:

It looks like you need a degree in bandana-tying to figure out how to wear them well though! I think I’ll try some of these elasticated easy to tie ones to start with! Lynne :smiley:

Lynne, try to get booked onto a Look Good Feel Better session, which will give you some tips about dealing with lack of eyebrows and eyelashes.

The Suburban Turban hats have a bit of body to them that makes them look at lot less like chemo hats, and I think you can also get fringes that you can velcro into the front of a hat or scarf. Might be worth looking at.

There’s also a good explanation for how to tie a long scarf into a turban thing on Suburban Turban’s website. It’s dead easy, so if you have any long scarves that aren’t made of slippery or shiny material, you might want to give that a try for a change.

hey chocciemuffin, thanks for that - sounds good! How do I go about getting on one of these sessions - are they organised on here?
I liked the hats on suburban turban, they are a lot prettier than most, but some were quite expensive. It will be a good investment though I think :smiley: Lynne

This is one instance when you CAN google! :wink:

Really worth doing, but they get booked up very quickly. Even if you’re not a real make-up user it’s still nice to spend a couple of hours playing with the makeup, and the goodie bag is amazing.