Hair loss post chemo

Hi ladies I am 5 months post chemo, on Tamoxifen and midway through a year of Herceptin. My hair has grown back really well but the past week or so I have noticed my lashes and eyebrows are coming out again. Has anyone else experienced this?

My lashes had regrown and have dropped out. I presume this was just natural regrowth just as strands of hair come out daily from my regrowing hair. My lashes are slightly regrowing again.

I saw the BCN Wed & she hadn’t heard of it & my onc said it wasn’t common so they’re checking my thyroid function. I’m not getting too concerned as my hair is fine & not coming out & it does make sense for natural loss to occur so will have to wait & see! Revitalash is supposed to be amazing but it’s pricey xx

Hi EAM28 good luck with your treatment, I’m sure it’s all so daunting at the moment for you but you will get through it ok. They’ll be good & bad days, your moods will be up and down but once you get past chemo it gets a little easier. I was ‘lucky’ as I had Paclitaxel which doesn’t really cause sickness or nausea which I was so glad not to have as my youngest was just 9 months when I had my chemo last yr. I was really tired for a couple of days, a bit of acne & of course hair loss but all in all ok. The Herceptin I barely have any side effects, a little tired, peeling nails & a runny nose & the rads was fine too although that did really tire me out. Use plenty if aqueous cream whilst having rads. As for the fertility I am very lucky that I have 3 children but I’ve read some great experiences of ladies that have gone on to have children after this. There is a fantastic Facebook group called Younger Breast Cancer Network (UK) it’s for women under 40 that have been diagnosed & it’s helped me no end xx

You’ll get there! I’m 2 wks away from a year since diagnosis and my life will never be the same again but it does get easier and life does go on, having your little girl will keep you going as you’ve got to get up & get on with everyday life - none of this man flu business and staying in bed moping!! ? best of luck with it all hun xx