Hair loss what to wear

Hi hair falling out daily gona shave it today any gd places to buy head scarfes I did post before but can’t find the post any tips be great laura

Anna bandana is a good place cheap good quality, try sleep cap under scarf for padding xxx

i agree annabandana is really good i got too many so im told also ebay and buff are fab but i get them off ebay as they cheeper and if you add a scarf to it makes them look even better

I bought a nice one from Accesorize, it wasnt cheap admittedly but its lovely and soft and would be cool in this weather. There are lots of websites too if you search the net. x

HI there, if you want a hat/cap specially made try suburban turban, they are made to measure so a little more expensive but when i worked out how often I wore it, for 28 quid it was good value in the end,

Found Annabandana cheap and nasty. None of the stuff fits properly and was poorly made. Also found bandanas almost a chemo uniform.
I just went with hats.

Agree with Elttiks about bandanas being almost a chemo uniform - to me they scream cancer. i bought a multitude of scarves, hats etc but in the end just thought blow it and haven’t worn any headwear for the past 3 months (of course I realise that going commando is a lot of womens nightmare).

yes i do get people looking quickly (human nature and I am sure I have done previously) and I can tell if people are going to prolong the stare or look back at me - to this I maintain a starting at them, usually works!

I have had no adverse comments. Little kids may look and prod each other to look but ‘from the mouth of babes’ and this is perfectly natural.

i realised the other week that I have forgotten that I have no hair and don’t give it a second thought when I go out. Thats not to say that I am happy with no hair. I have my last chemo in two days and last night was the first time I dreamed about having a few centimetres and had to check my head when I woke up!


hey i agree with Elttiks , i waisted so much money on hats ect and none really fitted. i got some bandans and tied them myself. nice scarves from HnM, and also buffs. xx

i also got a nice floppy sun hat from Accesorize, kids section. nice and pink and flowery for the sun!!! if we get any

The India Shop ( sell cotton squares and if you buy three, you get a toning silk strip to wear with them, which is rather nice. I wear a Buff for sleeping and for comfort and keep one in my pocket/handbag in case what I’ve gone out in bugs me! They’re not the most attractive, but are comfy. I’ve gone for scarves, which I match to what I’m wearing - so black/navy with matching stuff. Also Clair’es accessories or similar do kind of wide headbands in different colours (some with sequins!) which can “lift” a plain scarf… and they do flowers (either with a clip or a hair band) and I sometimes gather the scarf at the back with one of them… Scrunch silk scarf from SuburbanTurban looks great (but expensive). Got a sunhat from Annabanana which I wear a lot of round the garden… their elasticated bandanas were too tight for me - and I look like a nun in the white one!!! Trial and error… BCC run a charity called HeadStrong, which you can make an appointmetn with for scarf-tying advice… I went to our local breast unit for that, and got ideas and confidence. On a good day, it’s fun to experiment… on a bad day it just sucks Jane


I’m a couple of months post chemo now and now the weather is warmer I’m looking to ditch my wigs in favour of some pretty scarves and sun hats. I live on the coast so finding cheap and cheerful sun hats is not going to be a problem, although I bet I’ll get some strange looks when I start trying on kids hats! :slight_smile:

My hair fell out almost all at once day 14 of first AC back in January and then it was just too cold to wear anything but scarves, hats and wigs. Now that the weather is warmer I don’t wear anything at home or in the garden and am trying to pluck up the courage to go commando when I leave the house. One of the things I did do was to loosen the band on my wigs so that they weren’t so tight - it allows the air to circulate a bit and makes them less hot to wear (just be careful when it’s windy!).

Best of luck with your treatment Laura!

Nymeria xx

Just a reminder–when the sun comes out, either put a hat/scarf on or slather your scalp in strong sunscreen.


Cheryl’s right - it’s so easy to forget as you’d never wear sunscreen on your head normally! Plus you are more sensitive to the sun for quite a while after chemo is finished, so it’s doubly important to use it.

Accessorise prices are MAD. Primark have lovely large scarves for £4; a friend bought me one and it’s big enough to turbanise or leave flowing.

I mostly go commando now with a good spray of factor 30 dry oil. I have never worn a wig, I just couldn’t do it and wasted money on one which is now in the kids dressing up box. When its chilly I just wear biker bandanas that I bought on the market, they look kind of hippyish and they are cotton and comfortable. When its really hot I put on a floppy cotton sunhat from Accessorize. Happy headcover hunting!!!



Pre tied scarves make look as if I’ve escaped from the Amish, or am 19th century peasant!

Try Hats 4 Heads for very reasonable sun hats.

Good luck