hair loss???


Going for some Reiki and acupuncture at 1030 then go in for chemo at 12! Will be having 6 cycles of FEC

Cant freeze my eggs as my cancer was ER positive and my onc said he would be really worried about pumping me full of hormones in order to harvest the eggs.

Will ask at the hospital today about the fake tan… Fat, bald and pale… Now there’s a sight for sore eyes!

The hospital told me to snack on carrots too… However I read on a different forum that whatever you eat when they prepare your chemo you will never want to eat it again?? Has anyone heard that before or is it myth?

Good luck for 1.30 Caron I shall be thinking of you.


P.S Found a great website for head scarves if anyone is interested… They come from America and I have bought a couple for my soon to be bald head and I love them… Will defo be buying some more.


my husband has just given me a book to read ( it’s one of his customers cousins who wrote it ! ) anyway it’s called LET ME TELL YOU HOW I LIVE WITH CANCER
by JACQUIR LEWIS it’s only a short book about her fight with breast cancer , I said to Steve she doesn’t die does she ??? NO he says she died of old age in the end !!! He is either STUPID and hasn’t read the book , or STUPID whichever one he is STUPID LOL
she bloody did DIE !!! thanks Steve I feel loads better now !

We have a really good shop here that does bandannas and stuff called Angie’s ( she actually had bteast cancer herself !
I will be thinking of you Caronx

dos that should have been Jacquie Lewis!

Hi ladies

A big welcome to Yasemin, Narnia and Charlotte.
Sorry you have had to join us though, its going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride for us all but were all in good company and will get through this with each others help and support.
I am having chemo before surgery. My tumor was 40mm when dx. I had 2 AC chemos and the tumor doubled its size. I was then put onto Taxotere, after 2 lots my tumour had gone to ver 100mm. I am now having Carboplatin and Vorelebine. Have my second chemo on boxing day and if this chemo fails i will have to have surgery even though there is not enough skin to close the wound up.I may have to have a graft and its possible casncer will be left behind as i have 3 nodes involved and the chemo isnt working…I am also HER2 negative so chemo should be killing off my cancer…

Caron - hope chemo goes ok today, i know its great that you can see things happening but its the unknown that scares you.I drink lots of lucozade after my chemo, just to give me a boost…
I have been quite sick these last few days and my boob has been giving me hell, i took some Tramadol and they made me very tired and woozy. I haven’t taken any today, just suffering the throbbing pain…

I hope Muv and Bright are well on their way to recovery…(((((hugs))))).xxxxx

Take care

Hi caron

Hope everthing went OKand you are back home resting.I read the book lopsided by Merdith Norton who suffered from IBC it is
quite good but set in America .At the end she is alive and well.Much more positive.


Hi everyone I am back !!!
I survived it 1 down 7 to go !!!
I was really scared at not knowing what was gonna happen to me , but it was ok , they put a heat pad on my hand then when she came to do it she said " no I can’t use that ! "
I said try the other hand! anyway she did do it then she took it out said she wasn’t happy with it so she did it again ! ( it was ok I don’t mind needles at all luckily ).
I have had my first red wee ! mind you I couldn’t really tell cos I have blue loo down the loo.
I was there about 2 1/2 hours in all , i feel ok at the mo just have to wait and see ???
Glad your back on Shell hope your ok today ( thanks for your text this morning too xxxx ) love all Caron

Im glad everything went smoothly for you apart from the needles!!!

Lets hope you stay as you are and dont get any side effects…

Take care, loves…


i have gone to bed now cos i don’t know if it.s cos i.m thinking about it ( and waiting 4 it 2 happen) but i think i feel a bit queasy??? but it might be in my head!
I wonder if u get anyone does get no side effects???
how long have you felt sick for ( I think thats wot I am not looking forward to !
Hey my hairs still stuck fast LOL !!!
love Caronx

Hi guys,
I don’t come on here for a day and there are so many messages. Hello to everyone!!!

IRe: Chemo… feel queasy for about 3-4 days, but they give you lots of drugs to take. Don’t take your steroids too late in the afternoon though or you’ll feel a bit weird and might not sleep too well. The first time I had chemo I was sick on the first night, but we had done a12 hour boat journey from jersey and I actually went to chemo straight from t he boat. (They had cancelled our one from the day before…nightmare!!!) The steroid drugs control the sick feelings well though and it does pass. I do think they are worth taking to make you feel human. They help with the tiredness too. On day 5, both times I have got a craving for a chinese takeaway (!!!), then a cough and then a sore mouth!!! Do be prepared to feel a bit low when the streoids stop though - it really hit me. People on this forum really helped me both times in my dark days. You might handle it better. They did give me happy pills though…which were very handy. I’m just suffering with my arm now and suspect I will end up with one of those dreaded line thingeys

I’m feeling quite good this week, just ready for my lovely Christmas Chemo next week. I’m not putting on weight because I lose my appetite in the first week and more importantly I’m no longer drinking my bodyweight in wine!!! But I am not skinny and can out eat most men I know…I’m just eating less.

Shell - hoping your boob is hurting because that chemo is fighting!!! Fingers crossed!

One of the lovely people on the forum talked about how eating your 5 lots of fruit/veg and a 30 min walk a day has been proven to help in the fight and improve survival. Does a chocolate orange count do you think?? Seriously though I read an article about it today saying the same thing. Interesting stuff! Someone has also given me a book called “Anti cancer”/ I’ll try to read it if I can put my latest serial killer novel down and will share any wisdom I find!!!

Hubbie had his Christmas work do today. (by the way…whoever metioned their other half…mine has gone quiet now too and doesn’t really want to talk about it!!). he is currently somewhere in central London, wandering towards the Oxford bus. Normally he phones me to ask me where he is… Bless…he doesn’t get out much.

Well that’s me done. Have done lots of Christmas shopping today and didn’t feel evil while doing it, so that is progress. Bought myself scarves and hats and new PJs (got to love Primark). Hair still here (I use coldcap), but thinner and patchy. Still haven’t gone out in my wig yet! Off to see “nutter doctor” (counsellor) tomorrow. I feel a bit sorry for him already.

Much love to you all,

Hello all…

I’ve been peeing red too! I can honestly say that i’m having a bit of a nightmare… Started feeling quesey about 5 and have since been sick quite a few times… Thought I was abit more hardcore than this! ha ha! Been taking the anti-sickness but think I keep puking them up again… And to top it all off my bastard cat just bought in a mouse!!!

Feeling better now… It seems to come in waves. My boyfriend has been fantastic bless him, cleaning up after me… and the mouse!


Hi all do you know when I want to answer someone on this site and say go back a page all my writing I have done has gone !

Yasemin did you find out about the fake tan???

well done for your moggy getting a mouse !! my moggy ( lovely tortoiseshell ) knows where a rat hole is and always brings baby rats home then plays with it in the garden till it is no more … aww poor thing ! (not), I hate rats there was once this young boy who went swimming in this massive pond and he got weils disease and it made him disabled and killed him in the end .
Anyway Marble (tortoiseshell ) taught my other blue cat Minstrel ( who is not blue ! is grey and white and a boy Not female Steve Steve wot r u like ?? ) to go with her and they both come back with them now ! but Poppy doesn’t she likes birds but hasn’t had one 4 ages as shes getting old now.

I was really cold in the night (really cold ) I was thinking is this a effect?? I also have a headache since last night, but I havn’t been sick (yet , touch wood )although I woke up in the night thinking I was going to be.
I actually had some breakfast this morning ( that is a first but had to cos of pills ).
I have a appointment tomoz with the wig people at the hospital they rung up and said can I go cos someone has cancelled, my original appointment was 2/1/09 at more or less the same time as my scan so it’s lucky they changed it.

\\yasemin how are you today ???
I hope your all ok everyone ??? love Caronxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Morning girls

Everyone sounds quite positive this morning. Caron sounds like you are coping OK. The first one is the unknown. Because I was so sick many many years ago when I was pregnant I mentioned it to the Oncologist and she gives me really strong anti sickness tablets to take. They are very good and other than the very first chemo waking up feeling sick in the night sickness hasn’t been a problem.( I think being the first one it could have been my imagination)

This time round (Chemo on monday) the tiredness has really got me. I lost count of the number of times I dozed off sitting in the armchair yesterday. I find it really odd to be watching something on the TV and to suddenly realise that what you were watching has gone and suddenly you are watching something completely different. OH has been up most of the night with toothache so he has been packed of to the dentist moaning all the way. Just what he needs- toothache at christmas.

My taste has gone really haywire again. I should expect it because it has happened every time but I keep hoping that it won’t happen this time. Just hope it comes back for next week and all the christmas goodies.

How are you feeling Shell. I find that the few days after chemo my breast really hurts. I try to convince myself that the chemo is working and the cancer cells are dying. My GP insists visualisation is good!!

Yasemin I hope the sickness is passing OK

Along with the chocolate orange theory and our 5 a day. Where do fruit jellies and pastilles rate. They seem to get past my strange taste bud problems. Real fruit just tastes slimy.

Does anyone else find that being on steroids makes running to the loo a priority. I have had a couple of really nasty moments where I thought I was in real danger of wetting myself. Just another inconvienience.

Have a good day everyone

LOL Andie xx

Andie Is than inconvienience or incontinence LOL! hahah Im so funny !
Hey so when you get the metallic taste how long after chemo ? I aint got it and I never got the tingly nose either !
Just tell you this it’s funny what you said about really bad morning sickness ! about you having it bad well I never got it at all when I was preggers ! and I have been pregnant 5 ( well 6 if you include a miscarraige afetr Owen ) my first baby boy was stillborn at 33 weeks ( poor me ).
Anyway apart from the headache I have i feel quite ok mind you I am lying on the sofa in my pj’s !
write soon Love Caron xx
ps when the nurse put the chemo in Steve said "thats all the soldiers going in with their swords drawn " ( good way of looking at it ).

Early one morning in the middle of the night
Two dead soldiers got up to fight
Back to Back they faced each other
Drew theirb swords and Shot each other LOL


Feeling much better today… sickness has passed, hopefully that’s the worst of it over now! I too have a slight headache and have has that since yesterday and i’m slightly flushed in the face. I even managed to have a good nights sleep. I don’t feel hungry but think i’m going to try abit of shreddies and warm milk.

I did ask about the fake tan and she said that she’d not heard that one before and to double check with my onc.

Enjoy trying on wigs… It’s much fun and was a great source of entertainment for me :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for being so lovely, thinking of you all.


I find the funny taste in my mouth starts aroung day3/4 . On AC it only lasted a few days although I did get a horrible white coating on my tongue and the chemo nurses did recommend a mouth wash which had limited sucsess. It lasted about a week.
Now I am taxotere it seems to start at about the same time but last time round it literally cleared up 2 days before the next chemo session. Don’t know why I’m moaning it should stop me eating which would be a good thing. I really don’t want to come out at the end of all this the size of a house.

I find the tingly runny nose is now permanent if I go out into the cold - OH has started leaving the house with pockets full of clean hankies because I always forget. When I am at home in the warm it seems OK. I have lost my eyebrows and lashes and find that occassionally my eyes water in the night and I wake up with my eyes stuck together. We are all different and these things may not happen to you.

Have fun with the wigs. Will you have to pay. Where I am they just gave me one. All I had to do was sign that I had received it and I bought it home with me.

LOL Andie xx

Oh do I have to pay for it I didnt know that ? how much is it ? I thought you got it on prescription???
Yasemin you should really eat breakfast especially with all the pills your having ( you need energy )
and you too Andie you have enough to worry about dont worry about your weight !!!
oh well bored bored bored ! and still got a headache !!!
love caron xxx

I got a few headaches too…not so bad second time round. it’s Ok to take paracetomol etc… Also had a day of being flushed! Eating small is good. I think I’ll probably be having cornflakes for Christmas dinner!!

My wig was £59…but meant to be £250. Had to pay at the hospital and they gave me a receipt to take to the wig shop.

I’m sure fruit pastilles will count as fruit!!! I’ve had trouble eating fruit too - it all tastes bland and peculiar. Having a very big chocolate thing at the moment (especially chocolate caramels). I had terrible morning sickness with Kai…lasted forever…so i was prepared to be a nightmare with chemo.

Caron - sounds like you’ve had some very sad times, but I am in awe of you having so many babies. Just having the one has knackered me out!!! Would have liked another…but not to be now and have convinced Kai he would prefer a rabbit to a brother or sister!!!

Andie - do your eybrows and eyelashes come out quite quickly? Do you just live with it or do anything with makeup? I’m useless at makeup though - might have to get kai to do it for me!!!


Hi Gail,
yes it was a very sad time thing was the year before my sis had a stillborn boy as well at 27 weeks she called him Paul he weighed 1.10oz anyway he died cos the placenta wasn’t working properly, so when I was pregnant ( not to my Steve now ) I had alot of trouble with him 1 monute he wanted me next he never ! anyway I went to docs to see midwife and I still dont know why I said it ( because I never thought it myself ) I said I havn’t felt the baby move then she couldn’t find the heartbeat ( I knew then he was dead , cos of Cheryl (sis)) sent me to hospital had a scan confirmed he’d died then they tried to induce labour ( the creep was with me then but not for much longer ) anyway he was born at 4.50 am 24th April 1987 he weighed 1LB 13 oz which was infact worse than Cheryl’s cos I was further on than her , I named him James Andrew.
I asked them " do you think it could have been the same as what happend to Chez "? they said " NO WAY " when they did the post mortam it was cos the placenta wasn’t working properly ! didn’t help with him messing me about all the time , I got rid of him once and for all not long after , but if I see himhe makes it obvious he wo uld do more even though he is married now ( poor woman probably cheated on her numerous times ! )

Yes so that is one of the reasons me & my sister have had so many babies ( plus the fact I absolutely loved being preggers , NOT MY STRETCH MARKS THOUGH ! )
my sister has got 5 ( 6 including Paul ) but her first son ( after Paul ) is really disabled :frowning: he is lovely though he is 21 now I don’t know how she copes??? he has a line in his belly cos he can no longer eat as it was making him get Phumonia ( going in his lungs ).

Hey has anybody heard of the ring of fire ??? jesus I had it when I had Jordan his head was facing the wrong way they kept turning him but he wanted to come out face first !!! ( always been the same that one NOSEY LOL! )

I still have a headache but it’s not as bad tell you what I feel really tired but cannot sleep !!!

And speaking of food 1 of Steve’s customers gave Steve some sausages for me ! ( to get me well, the recipe has been passed down from 17th century ( honestly)
and this bloke is the last remaiming butcher who has the recipe and he’s going to take it to his grave :frowning:
They were very very yummy I just had 2 in gravy !! yum yum !
we had a rabbit once called Currants ( excuse the PUN ! ) and he bit me really hard still have a scar dont like rabbits now, but we have guinea pigs they are lovely.
love Caron xxxx ( again )


Gail - i have had 3 types of different chemos and i still have my eye lashes and brows, no hair any where else though!!! I am hoping too that my breast pain is the killer chemo working…

Caron - I had my wig on prescription…£59.20… Its worth £400 though, its a good one. you’ve seen it on my pics…

I am feeling ok today just tired but i can cope with that, might have a nap later…

I have been thinking about Muv & Bright, hope their op went ok…

Glad your feeling sort of ok today Caron.

Speak to you all soon.